sauvesolutions / presenters
Simple inverse presenter for Laravel
- illuminate/support: ^6.0
- nesbot/carbon: ^2.0
Presenters are often used to convert data in a storage format for display. Typical implementations use the decorator pattern.
A similar problem exists when receiving information back from a user, for example on a web form. This needs to be converted from a human readable format into a format suitable for storage.
This is an Unpresenter.
This implementation provides four core capabilities
- Automatically handles date conversion from a defined format into a Carbon instance for storage
- Automatically handles checkboxes from forms (not nested)
- Handles validation simply
- Provides facility to mutate any attribute.
- Laravel
- As for Laravel >= v4.1
You must install this library through Composer:
{ "require": { "SauveSolutions/presenters": "0.2.*" } }
Using the library is very simple.
- Derive an unpresenter class from SauveSolutions\presenters\Unpresenter and implement the functionality you need, typically this is just listing the date variables, the checkbox variables and the validation rules.
- In a controller instantiate an instance of the Unpresenter and pass the input array to the constructor.
- Call validate and trap any ValidationExceptions thrown.
- Access input variables directly from the unpresenter instance.
class ExampleUnpresenter extends SauveSolutions\presenters\Unpresenter { //specify any date fields protected $dates = ['a_date']; //specify any checkboxes that may be expected in the data sent with the web request protected $checkboxes = ['important']; /** * Specify the validation rules to be applied. * * @param $bUpdate boolean Pass true if the object is being updated, false otherwise. * @return array The validation rules. */ public function getValidationRules($update) { //if updating an existing record then $update would be true, for a new record it would be false. This allows you //to create different rules for updates to existing records or creation of new records, e.g. unique checks that exclude the current record. //for this example however simply use a single response. return array( 'a_date' => 'date_format:d/m/Y' ); } }
Then in your controller method, for example Store.
public function store() { $input = Input::except('_token', '_method'); $input = new ExampleUnpresenter($input); //simple try/catch block - the exception could be caught globally if preferred. try { //now try and validate $input->validate(false); } catch (SauveSolutions\exceptions\ValidationException $e) { //if it failed then redirect back. return Redirect::route('example.create')->withInput()->withErrors($e->getValidationErrors()); } //now create a new example model. $model = new ExampleModel(); $model->a_date = $input['a_date']; $model->save(); //and finally let's show the index page. return Redirect::route('example.index'); }
An alternative is to call $unpresenter->parseInput() which processes all of the input data and returns a plain php array of the transformed inputs.
The DateConverter trait uses an English locale date format (d/m/Y) how can I change this? The simplest approach would be to derive your own Unpresenter class which overrides DateConverter::getDateFormat(). It is expected in any non trivial application that the date format is an attribute of the User or a similar global setting. Then use your Unpresenter class as the base class of any other Unpresenters you create.
Laravel 4.3
Laravel 4.3 has implemented a new FormRequest object that performs the validation functionality of the Unpresenter class. Together with the ability to resolve a class from a hint on a controller method out of the IoC container will provide a further productivity boost. It is likely that the Unpresenter functionality can be combined with the FormRequest functionality in a subclass to provide the transformation capbility. This will be investigated in a future update.