
IterableString and MultibyteIterableString allow to iterate string characters in foreach without converting the string into array.

1.1 2023-10-21 14:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-05 11:25:01 UTC


PHP library which allow to iterate string characters in foreach without converting the string into array.


foreach (new IterableString('lorem ipsum') as $position => $char) {
    echo $position.'['.$char.'] ';


$iterableString = new IterableString('lorem ipsum');
while ($iterableString->valid()) {
    echo $iterableString->key().'['.$iterableString->current().'] ';

prints 0[l] 1[o] 2[r] 3[e] 4[m] 5[ ] 6[i] 7[p] 8[s] 9[u] 10[m]


Does the same, but uses mb_* functions, so works with UTF-8 correctly.

foreach (new MultibyteIterableString('visgaršīgākie āboli Rīgā') as $position => $char) {
    echo $position.'['.$char.'] ';

prints 0[v] 1[i] 2[s] 3[g] 4[a] 5[r] 6[š] 7[ī] 8[g] 9[ā] 10[k] 11[i] 12[e] 13[ ] 14[ā] 15[b] 16[o] 17[l] 18[i] 19[ ] 20[R] 21[ī] 22[g] 23[ā]


rewind(): void - sets position to 0 (is called automatically when foreach starts)

current(int $length = 1): string - current character

next(int $steps = 1): void - increments the position

previous(int $steps = 1): void - decrements the position

key(): int - current position

valid(): bool - the current position is not less than 0 and not more than source string length

check(int $position): bool - the same for any position

isLast(): bool - true if current character is the last in source string

length(): int - the length of the source string (strlen or mb_strlen)

set(int $position): void - sets the position

get(int $position, int $length = 1): string - returns a character or few


composer require sashabo/iterable-string