
Allow users to log in with their Steam account.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

1.0.0 2020-12-29 09:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-02-29 03:58:24 UTC


This library allows users to log in your site with their Steam account. On its own it won't do much, if you want to do something when an user has succesfully logged in then you need to add your own anonymous function.


The goal of this library is to only add the functionality to allow users with a Steam account to log into your website, allowing your own code.

Example usage

$openid = new SteamAuth();
$openid->on_success = function ($steamid) {
  $_SESSION["steamid"] = $steamid;

This constructs the class.

$openid = new SteamAuth();

We add an anonymous function to on_success, which fires when the user has logged in.

In our example function we are going to take the $steamid and save it in our current session.

$openid->on_success = function ($steamid) {
  $_SESSION["steamid"] = $steamid;

Here we take the user through the process.



on_success(string $steamid)

on_success is called when the user has logged in and will include the user's steamID64.

By default it will do nothing, a suggestion is to take the $steamid variable, save it in our current session and send the user to a dashboard.

$openid->on_success = function ($steamid) {
  $_SESSION["steamid"] = $steamid;
  return header("Location: /dashboard");


on_cancel is called when mode returned by OpenID equals cancel, this should typically never happen.

By default it will go back to the root page.

$openid->on_cancel = function () {
  return header("Location: /");

on_exception(Exception $exception)

on_exception is called when (for some reason) an exception is thrown during the process.

By default it will print the exception's message and exit.

$this->on_exception = function (\Exception $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();

Pull Requests

As long as it does not defeat the purpose of this library, always welcoming PRs.


  • iignatov and the contributors of LightOpenID, it uses said library (with a few edits) to handle the OpenID protocol.
