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Code generator tool for the ATK Framework

2.1.18 2018-02-26 19:42 UTC


Code generator tool for the ATK Framework

What is this?

atk-builder is a code generator tool for the ATK Framework (See ).


atk-builder requiere the php-xml extension, this extension does not get installed automatically in ubuntu, so before it stops with an error, please execute:

sudo apt-get install php7.0-xml

Or follow the addecuate procedure for your operating system. After installing the needed extensions you can create a new project with:

composer create-project sintattica/atk-skeleton myproject

This will create a new empty atk project, now we need to require the atk-builder code generator with:

cd myproject
composer require sanotto/atk-builder

Then run composer update with:

composer update

Once all the software components are updated, from outside of the project directory, initialize the application with:

./myproject/vendor/bin/atk-builder inzapp myproject --db-name=myproject --db-user=youruser --db-passwd=yourdbpass

With the application initialized, you can start a local web server to serve the project with:

cd myproject
php -S localhost:8080 -t web

Now you can point your browser to http:\localhost:8080 and enter the aplication with user administrator password demo. After login in, please run the Setup option to create the required databases objects.

How does it works?

The idea behind atk-builder is to write the minimun possible to have a fully functional ATK application. An ATK application is built around modules, nodes and attributes, you normally make a folder inside the modules folders and populate that folder with classes derived from the Node.class, that node will correspond to a database table. In the node class you declare the table and add an attribute for every column in the table, any time you change the table structure you have to fix the node class to reflect the changes, the process, albeit simple, is time consuming. Atk-builder let's you avoid a lot of work, atk-builder let's you declare a simple text file called by default DefFile wich contains definitions about the modules, nodes and attributes that comprises an ATK application. After parsing this DefFile atk-builder will:

  • Create or Drop the required tables.
  • Add or Drop the required columns to the tables.
  • Write or Re-write the required code for the Module/s class/es and / or the node/s class/es.

A simple DefFile look like this:



It defines the application name (myapp) the database name (myappdb) the user and password of the database (root and pass) it defines a module (payroll) wich contains a node (employees) wich have several attributes (name, date_of_birth, salary_ammount and notes)

Running atk-builder without any arguments looks for a file called DefFile in the current directory, running the tool with the previous definition will:

  • Create the payroll_employee tables if it not exists (Note that tables names are built in the form module_node).
  • If the table exists it will add or drop the corresponding columns in order to adjust the table to the definition.
  • Will create the Module folder.
  • Will create the necessary Module class.
  • Will create the necessary Node classes.

Modules and Node classes are created in pairs, a Node class for Employees will create two source files, one called Employees_base.php and another one called Employees.php, Employee extends Employee_base. Employee_base will be overwritten by Atk-builder each time it runs a RUNGEN command (RUNGEN is the default command, if you run /vendor/bin/atk-builder without any further arguments, it will run /vendor/bin/atk-builder rungen ), but Employee.php will only be created jut once, Employee.php is the place where your validations and business rules must be expressed. The base classes will be rewritten each time the attributes list changes, attributes/columns types are infered using their names so date_of_birth will result in a column called date_of_birth with DATE type and an attribut of type DateAttribute. Not only the type is infered on the name, the flags are infered too, the name column will have a Attribute::AF_SEARCH flag because searching for a name is an obvious requirement, it will have an Attribute::AF_OBLIGATORY as well, because obviously a name is allway required. atk-builder will try to infer as much as possible on your DefFile but you can fine tune the code generation i.e:


		name:Employe Name:Attribute:AF_OBLIGATORY, 30

The modified line :

name:Employe Name:Attribute:AF_OBLIGATORY, 30

Means that the name column label in forms will be Employee Name it will be rendered as a simple attribute with a width of 30 chars and it will have the AF_OBLIGATORY flag set.

How do I write a DefFile ?

The full syntax of the DefFile is as follows:


The items between square brackets are optional, if ommited, proper values will be infered for them based on context. A brief discussion about the parameters follows:

  • label: If ommited the name for the Module/Node/Attribute will be used as label form Menus and/or form label.
  • actions: These are the registered actions for the node, if ommitted the standard action (admin, add, update, view and delete) will be used, if you need a non standard action, you have to declare all the standard action too if you need them, i.e. if you need a print_order action besides the standard ones, declare admin, add, update, view, print_order
  • node_flags: The node flags you want for this node (see vendor/sintattica/atk/src/Node.class)
  • show_in_menu: If this node should be shown in the menu, use false here for details nodes in master details setup.
  • attribute_type: The attribute type for the attribute, if left blank the type will be infered by Atk-Builder.
  • attribute_flags: The flags for the attribute, if left blank Atk-Builder will infer the proper flags based on the attribute name.
  • tab: if provided, the attribute will be shown in a the tab named in the parameter, if left blank the attribute will go in the main tab.

So far, so good what do I do next?

After you have created you new application with:

composer create-project sintattica/atk-skeleton MyApp

change into the MyApp directory with:

cd MyApp

Add sanotto/atk-builder to your project requiremente with:

composer require sanotto/atk-builder
composer update
composer dumpautoload

When the update ends, you will need to initialize the application for atk-builder with:

vendor/bin/atk-builder inzapp --db-user=user --db-passwd=password

The initialization will:

  • Rewrite the configuration files.
  • Add a Setup Module into MyApp/src/Modules.
  • Write a Standard DefFile containing the definition for the Security Module (It will replace the security module provided by atk-skeleton) Now you are ready to start working , edit the provided DefFile and Add some Modules, Nodes and attributes definitions into it, then run:

Without arguments, that will trigger the rungen command wich will update everything, Modules, Nodes and tables, then you edit your DefFile again, add some Modules, Nodes or attributes or remove them as well, and run the generarion again. While you are at that, you can edit the non base classes to add validation and business logic. A common development session with atk-builder will look like:

composer create-project sintattica/atk-skeleton MyApp
cd MyApp
composer require sanotto/atk-builder
composer update
composer dumpautoload
vendor/bin/atk-builder inzapp --db-user=user --db-passwd=password
php -S localhost:8080 -t web  
# Open a Web Browser Log in with user administrator password demo (The provided defaults) and run setup to install/change the database
vim DefFile //Add some defs, create new modules and nodes into the DefFile
php -s -t web //Check them out
# Open a Web Browser Log in and test the new modules/nodes
vim DefFile //Add some more, update old defs
php -s -t web //Check them out
# Open a Web Browser Log in and test the new modules/nodes
php -s -t web //Check them out
# Open a Web Browser Log in and test the new modules/nodes


Wash, rinse and repeat until your app is good enough for prime time.

DefFile organization

When several people needs to work in a project they will be editing the DefFile concurrently, it will create a large "Merging Problem" when trying to commit changes to the DefFile because everybody will have to Diff its own copy against wichever copy that got to the repository first. In order to avoid (or minimize) the described problem a DefFile can be split in several parts that can be "included" in the "main" DefFile. The include tag provides you with the capability of spliting a DefFile into several files, i.e.:



The included file Module1DefFile,Module2DefFile and Module3DefFile must reside in the same Directory of the main DefFile, each one will contain a module definition (or more it is up to you) the included DefFile are searched as is i.e.:


Will search for a file called Module1DefFile and


Will search for a file called Module1DefFile.txt the use of extension or not is up to you.

Spliting your DefFile into modules (Or another organizational unit that you deem satisfactory) will be of great help when doing team jobs.

A Note of caution about config/atk.php

atk-builder rewrites the modules config entry. In order to preserve your modifications in said file, please add them AFTER the marker ////end-of-atk-builder-automatic-list. All the entries between modules =>[ and ////end-of-atk-builder-automatic-list will be rewritten. All the entries between ////end-of-atk-builder-automatic-list and ], will be preserved.