sandysong / refactool
- php: >=5.3.0
- nategood/commando: *
- nikic/php-parser: *
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-18 16:14:27 UTC
"refactool" is short for "refactoring tool". It's a toolset for code refactoring.
refactool require php5.3 or higher
refactool is PSR-0 compliant and can be installed using Composer. Add sandysong/refactool
to your composer.json
"require": {
"sandysong/refactool": "*"
If you're new to Composer...
- Download and build Composer
- Make it globally accessible
to your the directory where you'll be writing your Commando script and runcomposer install
Currently installing via Composer is the only supported option.
Using refactool
You can use bin/rname to do some rename stuff such as:
- rename filename to fit PSR-0 standard
- rename classname or method name by preg_replace
You can type rname --help to see help information
songqi@ubuntu:~/work/$ rname --help
Usage: /home/songqi/work/refactool/bin/rname [OPTIONS] src dest
Change directory structure or class name to fit the standard.
This tool scan src dir for class definations and put them to a new dir, other files are left.
It does not support namespace yet
srcRequired. src directory of your code
destRequired. dest directory to generate code
Show the help page for this command.
-i/--input <argument>
Regex to match input files, default is '/\.php$/'
-p/--pattern <argument>
pattern to match your class name or method name
-r/--replace <argument>
replacement to replace your class or method name
-s/--standard <argument>
naming standard, avalible standards are: psr0, yaf_controller
-t/--target <argument>
if you want to rename class or method, specify target here: class, method
Restructure the directory/file name to fit PSR-0 standard
$rname /path/to/your/code/source /path/to/put/things/in
Rename all class that match 'Comm_(.*)' to 'Common_$1'
$rname -t class -p '/Comm_(.*)/' -r 'Common_$1' /path/to/your/code/source /path/to/put/things/in
It will change all class/interface name in:
- class/interface defination: class Comm_Foo {}
- extends: class Foo extends Comm_Foo {}
- implements: class Foo implements Comm_Foo {}
- instantiation: $obj = new Comm_Foo();
- static call: $res = Comm_Foo::hello();
Rename all method that match 'run' to 'indexAction'
$rname -t method -p 'run' -r 'indexAction' /path/to/your/code/source /path/to/put/things/in
It will change all method name in:
- method defination: public function run() {}
- method call: $obj->run();
- static method call: Comm_Foo::run();
Rename class/interface and make it match yaf_controller's naming standard
$rname -t class -p '/Controller_(.*)/' -r '$1' -s yaf_controller /path/to/your/code/source /path/to/put/things/in
You should find out that php-yaf's controller has another naming standard that not compliant with PSR-0 in this ways:
Each part of controller name has first character uppercase and the rest lowercase
So this is a right format:
And this is not:
Controller's classname must ended with "Controller" but the filename are not:
Controller name:
File name:
So yaf_controller standard will do this:
- when output code to file, rtrim 'Controller' from the classname and then generate the filename and path.
- when match and replace class name with regex, strtolower and ucfirst each part of classname and then add 'Controller' to the end of classname.