
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Useful artisan commands for the creation of batch files for easier laravel development on windows machines

dev-master 2023-01-16 09:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-02-16 09:38:13 UTC


This repository has been archived as much better tools are available.

Laravel Batch File Creator

Adds some artisan commands for the generation of batch files so you don't have to open a number of terminals every time you want to start development on a windows machine.


Install the package: composer require sammycorgi/laravel-batch-file-installer

Laravel should auto discover the package. If it doesn't, run php artisan package:discover


By default, run php artisan batch-make:all to create the default batch files for a new laravel installation. This will create batch files that run the following commands:

Run this command with the --defaults flag to skip the questions, and jump straight into generating the scripts based on the default options defined in the config.

  • php artisan serve
  • php artisan queue:work
  • php artisan schedule:run
  • npm run watch - be sure to install npm or this won't work!
  • cd [project-path] - opens the terminal to the project path

The script will ask for certain options such as the php.exe path and queue worker options.


To change these defaults, first publish the config package by running php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --provider=Sammycorgi\LaravelBatchFileCreator\ServiceProvider

This will create a config file at config/batch.php

Notable config entries

folder_path - This is the folder that the batch files will be written to. Default is base_path('batch')

php.exe_path - Location of the php executable. Default is C:\xampp\php\php.exe

to_write - The batch files created by the batch-make:all command. Be sure that these are in the correct order!

Writing new batch file creators

Create a new class that extends Sammycorgi\LaravelBatchFileCreator\Commands\BaseBatchWriter. Make sure to implement the getContents() and getCommandName() methods!

If the command has any arguments, create an options definition class that extends Sammycorgi\LaravelBatchFileCreator\Commands\Options\Definitions\Definition and implement the getDefinitions() method. This will return an array of arrays - one array for each option. The name of the option is required. You can also define the default and the description of the option.

Make sure to add an entry to the definitions array in the config to map this definition to the command. Syntax is [creator_class_name] => [definition_class_name (or null if no options)]

getContents() will be the contents of the batch file to be written.

The base class has an appendContents() method, which outputs the options and their values to the script.

The handle() method that is required for every artisan command is defined in the base class. By default, it writes the content to the batch file and outputs a success message.

If the script needs to access the php executable, use the Sammycorgi\LaravelBatchFileCreator\Commands\Traits\GetsPhpExecutableInformation trait and implement the Sammycorgi\LaravelBatchFileCreator\Commands\Contracts\IUsesPhpExecutable interface. Call $this->getPhpExecutablePath() to get the defined path of the php executable