
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Package to generate reports with massive amount of data in Laravel.

v1.0 2019-05-16 18:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-19 00:21:09 UTC


This package allows you to quickly export Eloquent models into CSV files.


  • You can install this package using composer composer require samdevbr/laravel-bigreport
  • Publish configuration files php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config
  • Register the service provider
// config/app.php

// ...


 * Package Service Providers...

// ...


This package has been tested with the following conditions

Table size: 20.5 MB

Rows: 80K

Relations: 2 Relations

Columns: 18

Seconds to export: 4 seconds

Basic Usage

  • As this package uses Eloquent models you must have them prepared, or just create one with us.

php artisan make:model Post

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    protected $table = 'post';

    public function author()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

If you want to test this package with it's full capacity you must populate your table with at least 80k entries. (Just use seeds)

  • Now you must create a field collection before exporting your data
    • Field Collection tells the package what columns should be exported
use Samdevbr\Bigreport\Fields\FieldCollection;
use Samdevbr\Bigreport\Fields\BelongsTo;
use Samdevbr\Bigreport\Fields\Text;

$fields = [
  Text::make('Post ID', 'id'),
  Text::make('Title', 'title'),
  Text::make('Description', 'description'),
  BelongsTo::make('Author', ''),

$fieldCollection = FieldCollection::make($fields);

Note that we used two types of fields Text and BelongsTo, the difference is that BelongsTo will map the informed relation within the model.

  • Optionally you can create value resolvers for your field.
    • When a resolver is informed the package will use the function to format the original value and return it.
use Samdevbr\Bigreport\Fields\FieldCollection;
use Samdevbr\Bigreport\Fields\BelongsTo;
use Samdevbr\Bigreport\Fields\Text;

$fields = [
  Text::make('Post ID', 'id'),
  Text::make('Title', 'title'),
  Text::make('Description', 'description', function ($description) {
    return str_limit($description, 20);
  BelongsTo::make('Author', ''),

$fieldCollection = FieldCollection::make($fields);

Now you just has to export the data from your eloquent model

use App\Post;

$export = Post::export($fieldCollection);

return $export->download('filename.csv');