
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Homestead alternative

dev-master 2016-10-20 11:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:56:41 UTC


Homestead Alternative


  1. Make sure you have installed composer. And that ~/.composer/vendor/bin is in your path.
  2. Go into a terminal and type composer global require sam-it/develop
  3. Configure DNSMasq, on Ubuntu:
echo "address=/dev/" > /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/dev-tld"
echo "local=/dev/" >> /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/dev-tld"
  1. Reload dnsmasq.
sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager
sudo pkill dnsmasq
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager
  1. Make sure all your projects are in /mnt/data/projects, or edit the VagrantFile.
  2. Start the VM by doing develop up

On boot each of your project will be assigned a domain name based on the name of the folder it is in, projects/testproject will be available at

The system will try to find out the webroot directory of your project using several heuristics:

  1. If a file manifest.json exists it will use the root key.
  2. If a file named index.php exists in project root it will use that.
  3. If a file named application/index.php exists, the root will be set to application (yii1).
  4. If a file named public/index.php exists the root will be set to public.
  5. If none of those are found it will recursively iterate directories and find all index.php files. After that it sorts them based on abscence or presence of the word public in the path. It then selects the folder for the first index.php.

Besides having all your projects available this repository will add a domain that offers some commonly used tools.

  1. PHPMyAdmin (
  2. MailCatcher (
  3. Pimp-my-log (
  4. Beanstalk console (