
simpleSAMLphp module for warning users that their password will expire soon or has already expired.

3.2 2022-06-06 13:26 UTC


A simpleSAMLphp module for warning users that their password will expire soon or that it has already expired.

NOTE: This module does not prevent the user from logging in. It merely shows a warning page (if their password is about to expire), with the option to change their password now or later, or it tells the user that their password has already expired, with the only option being to go change their password now. Both of these pages will be bypassed (for varying lengths of time) if the user has recently seen one of those two pages, in order to allow the user to get to the change-password website (assuming it is also behind this IdP). If the user should not be allowed to log in at all, the simpleSAMLphp Auth. Source should consider the credentials provided by the user to be invalid.

The expirychecker module is implemented as an Authentication Processing Filter, or AuthProc. That means it can be configured in the global config.php file or the SP remote or IdP hosted metadata.

It is recommended to run the expirychecker module at the IdP, and configure the filter to run before all the other filters you may have enabled.

How to use the module

Simply include simplesamlphp/composer-module-installer and this module as required in your composer.json file. The composer-module-installer package will discover this module and copy it into the modules folder within simplesamlphp.

You will then need to set filter parameters in your config. We recommend adding them to the 'authproc' array in your metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php file, but you are also able to put them in the 'authproc.idp' array in your config/config.php file.

Example (in metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php):

'authproc' => [
    10 => [
        // Required:
        'class' => 'expirychecker:ExpiryDate',
        'accountNameAttr' => 'cn',
        'expiryDateAttr' => 'schacExpiryDate',
        'passwordChangeUrl' => '',

        // Optional:
        'warnDaysBefore' => 14,
        'originalUrlParam' => 'originalurl',
        'dateFormat' => 'm.d.Y', // Use PHP's date syntax.
        'loggerClass' => '\\Sil\\Psr3Adapters\\Psr3SamlLogger',
        'dateType'=>'FILETIME'  // FILETIME: for ldap,activedriectory 
    // ...

The accountNameAttr parameter represents the SAML attribute name which has the user's account name stored in it. In certain situations, this will be displayed to the user, as well as being used in log messages.

The expiryDateAttr parameter represents the SAML attribute name which has the user's expiry date, which must be formated as YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ (e.g. 20111011235959Z). Those two attributes need to be part of the attribute set returned when the user successfully authenticates.

The warnDaysBefore parameter should be an integer representing how many days before the expiry date the "about to expire" warning will be shown to the user.

The dateFormat parameter specifies how you want the date to be formatted, using PHP date() syntax. See

The loggerClass parameter specifies the name of a PSR-3 compatible class that can be autoloaded, to use as the logger within ExpiryDate.


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This is adapted from the ssp-iidp-expirycheck and expirycheck modules. Thanks to Alex Mihičinac, Steve Moitozo, and Steve Bagwell for the initial work they did on those two modules.