
Convert Laravel models into TypeScript interfaces

1.0.0 2022-10-18 19:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-17 00:36:20 UTC


Effortlessly generate TypeScript interface definitions from Laravel Model classes.


The main invocation of php artisan typescriptify:model with --help lists sub-commands available:

php artisan typescriptify:model --help

  Convert a model to it's TypeScript definition.

  typescriptify:model [options] [--] <model>

  model The fully qualified class name for the model - e.g. App\Models\User

      --includeHidden[=INCLUDEHIDDEN] Include the protected $hidden properties [default: "false"]
      --includeRelations[=INCLUDERELATIONS] Map foreign key columns to interface definitions [default: "true"]

Example Usage

Invocating php artisan typescriptify:model \App\Models\User on a fresh Laravel installation will produce:

interface User {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    email: string;
    email_verified_at: string|null;
    created_at: string|null;
    updated_at: string|null;

Or if you prefer, you can instantiate your own version of the TypeScriptifyModel class:

use SalemC\TypeScriptifyLaravelModels\TypeScriptifyModel;

echo (new TypeScriptifyModel(\App\Models\User::class))->generate();

Relation Mapping

TypeScriptify Laravel Models supports belongsTo relation mapping.

Imagine you have the following scenario:

// app/Models/User.php
// columns: id, name, email, password, role_id

public function role(): BelongsTo {
    return $this->belongsTo(Role::class);

// app/Models/Role.php
// columns: id, name

public function users(): HasMany {
    return $this->hasMany(User::class);

With a foreign key (and a foreign key constraint) role_id on the users table.

It would be nice if instead of having a role_id: number attribute on the generated User interface, it was instead the full relational dataset, right? Well, TypeScriptify Laravel Models is able to recognise that the role_id column should be the Role model, and will map it to a reusable interface definition for you. Unfortunately, we're not able to determine the exact relation name; instead we attempt to guess it for you, based on the foreign key name:

// Automatically generated Role interface.
interface Role {
    id: number;
    name: string;

interface User {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    email: string;
    password: string;
    role: Role; // 'guessed' attribute name of 'role' (from 'role_id') with the interface Role, generated above.

How It Works


TypeScriptify Laravel Models works primarily by gathering column data from the database your Laravel instance is setup with. Once gathered, it maps column types to known TypeScript types. This means if you don't have a database column for a property you want converted, it won't exist in the final TypeScript interface definition.


TypeScriptify Laravel Models also respects predictable Laravel casts (specifically protected $casts and protected $dates) you've setup in the model being converted. It will map all known casts to TypeScript types.


TypeScriptify Laravel Models is only able to map predictable data types to TypeScript types. Custom Casts and Custom Accessors are not, and cannot be supported.

If TypeScriptify Laravel Models fails to map a type to a TypeScript type, it will set the value to unknown in the TypeScript interface definition.