
Track your project by getting visitors data.

v1.0.2 2020-04-06 08:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-08 17:32:31 UTC


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Salem\Tracker is a Laravel package makes it easy to track your Laravel project by gathering a lot of information from your visitor request and IP Address.


  • You can get this data about your visitor without each day like:

    • The Country.
    • The City.
    • The currency of the visitor country.
    • Latitude and Longitude.
    • Browser and the version of this browser.
    • Platform.
  • After collecting the data from your visitors you can show them through an API in the package.

    • (GET) /tracker/all To get all the tracker records from your database.
    • (GET) /tracker/show/{id} To get the tracker data by ID form your database.
    • (GET) /tracker/ip/{ip} To get the IP data from your database.
  • The package also make it easy for you to get the data that you want like:

    • Check if this IP Tracked before
    • Last visit of this IP
    • Most visitors from Country,City,Browser,Platform


composer require salem/tracker

Run the migration, You have two ways to do it:

  • Run php artisan migrate directly.
  • Publish the migration php artisan vendor:publish -- *provider="Salem\Tracker\TrackerServiceProvider" --tag=migration Then php artisan migrate.

Publish the config file (optional)

  • Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Salem\Tracker\TrackerServiceProvider" -- tag=config.

  • You can publish all files by run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Salem\Tracker\TrackerServiceProvider"

Put Provicer & Aliases in app.php (optional)

'Tracker' => Salem\Tracker\Facades\Tracker::class,

How To Use It.

The package provide many ways to use :

  • You Can put the package middleware \Salem\Tracker\Controls\Http\middleware\VisitorTrack::class, in App\Http\Kernel inside $middleware array.

  • Or You can put this script in your view before </body> to send Ajax request to save visitor's data {!! Tracker::script() !!} or {!! getTrack()->script() !!}.

Also the package provide many fuctions to get your data:

  • Tracker::trackedBefore($ip) To check if the given IP tracked before and its data exists in the database or not.
  • Tracker::getBest($compare, $number) To give you the top $number of given compare, Compare could be ip_address, country_name, city, currency, country_code, browser, browser_version, platform and for example if you put the number with 10 it gives you top 10 of the given compare.
  • Tracker::getPaginatedTracking($paginate = 20, $full = false) To get paginated records from your database, $full boolean that make sure if you want full data or formated data.
  • Tracker::getTrackingPaginatedByIp($ip, $paginate = 20, $full = false) To get paginated records from your database of the given IP, $full boolean that make sure if you want full data or formated data.
  • Tracker::getTracking($id, $full = false) To get the tracking record from your database by ID with formated or not formated way.
  • Tracker::getTrackingByIp($ip, $full = false) To get the tracking record from your database by IP with formated or not formated way.
  • Tracker::getLastIpVisit($ip, $full = false) To get formated or not formated data of last visit of the given IP.

All functions are avalible with package helper getTrack() for example getTrack()->getTrackingByIp($ip, $full = false).
