
Wrapper for dialog EZCash

1.0.5 2015-03-25 15:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 03:31:13 UTC


Easy to use PHP Client for Dialog EZCash implementation. Compatible with PHP 5.3+. Unit tests are available under tests/, run phpunit

More info -


Package can be installed via composer.

###Install Composer

curl -sS | php

Next, update your project's composer.json file to include EZCash:

    "require": {
        "sahanh/ezcash": "~1.0"

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


Once signed up with EZCash, Dialog will provide 2 keys for data encryption and decryption. You'll need these 2 keys to process transactions through the gateway.

PHP Client requires openssl extesion.

Transaction Flow

Generate a Form (Submit) -> Process Transaction at Dialog -> Redirected to our site

Create Transaction Request

Transaction request is done by using a HTML form, an encrypted data about the transaction is stored as invoice and submmited to Dialog will process the transaction and redirect user back to our site with some details.

use SZ\EZCash\EZCash;

//create a new EZCash instace by prvoding the key files.
$ez = new EZCash(__DIR__.'/keys/publicKey.key', __DIR__.'/keys/myprivateKey.key');

$params = array(
    'merchant'       => 'TESTMERCHANT', //id of the merchant
    'transaction_id' => 'TX_6729', //id for the transaction, typically an invoice id
    'amount'         => '100.00', //amount
    'url'            => '' //url to redirect after processing

//form (simple form with a submit button)
echo $ez->getInvoiceForm($params);

To use with a custom form use getInvoice to generate encrypted invoice and use it with a hidden field called "invoice"

//get the encrypted transaction data to use in form field
$invoice = $ez->getInvoice($params);
<input type="hidden" name="invoice" value="<?php echo $invoice; ?>" />

Get Merchant Receipt

Once the transaction processing is complete Dialog will redirect user to the url provided when creating the transaction. The result of the transaction is included along with the redirect as merchantReciept form field. If the transaction status is under "failed", client will throw an InvalidTransactionException.

use SZ\EZCash\EZCash;
use SZ\EZCash\Exception\InvalidTransactionException;
use SZ\EZCash\Exception\EZCashException;

//create a new EZCash instace by prvoding the key files.
$ez = new EZCash(__DIR__.'/keys/publicKey.key', __DIR__.'/keys/myprivateKey.key');

try {

    $receipt = $ez->getReceipt($_POST['merchantReciept']);

} catch (InvalidTransactionException as $e) {

    echo $e->getMessage();

} catch (EZCashException as $e) {

    //Something went wrong, please retry


Receipt Object

The Receipt object (returned from $ez->getReceipt($encrypted)) has number of data associated with the purchase.

echo $receipt->getTransactionId();
echo $receipt->getMerchantCode();
echo $receipt->getStatusDescription();
echo $receipt->getTransactionAmount();
echo $receipt->getWalletReferenceId();


This is not an official client