
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Zarinpal payment for Laravel Framework (with sandbox support)

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.


install it:

composer require saeedpooyanfar/zarinpal

laravel service provider should register automatically, if not, register Zarinpal\ZarinpalServiceProvider::class manually or run:

composer dump-autoload

set 36 chars "ZARINPAL_MERCHANTID" in .env file:


Use it

request new payment:


use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
use Zarinpal\Zarinpal;

function request(Zarinpal $zarinpal) {
    $payment = [
        'callback_url' => route('payment.verify'), // Required
        'amount'       => 5000,                    // Required
        'description'  => 'a short description',   // Required
        'metadata'     => [
            'mobile' => '0933xxx7694',       // Optional
            'email'  => '' // Optional
    try {
      $response = $zarinpal->request($payment);
      $code = $response['data']['code'];
      $message = $zarinpal->getCodeMessage($code);
      if($code === 100) {
          $authority = $response['data']['authority'];
          return $zarinpal->redirect($authority);
      return "Error, Code: ${code}, Message: ${message}";
    } catch (RequestException $exception) {
        // handle exception

If you have other redirection methods you can use:

$url = $zarinpal->getRedirectUrl($authority);

to get the redirect url as a string.

verify the payment:


use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Zarinpal\Zarinpal;

function verify(Request $request, Zarinpal $zarinpal) {
    $payment = [
        'authority' => $request->input('Authority'), // $_GET['Authority']
        'amount'    => 5000
    if ($request->input('Status') !== 'OK') abort(406);
    try {
      $response = $zarinpal->verify($payment);
      $code = $response['data']['code'];
      $message = $zarinpal->getCodeMessage($code);
      if($code === 100) {
          $refId = $response['data']['ref_id'];
          return "Payment was successful, RefID: ${refId}, Message: ${message}";
      return "Error, Code: ${code}, Message: ${message}";
    } catch (RequestException $exception) {
        // handle exception

Use this lib with other frameworks


use Zarinpal\Zarinpal;
use Zarinpal\Clients\GuzzleClient; // OR SoapClient

$sandbox = false;
$zarinGate = false; // OR true
$zarinGatePSP = 'Asan'; // Leave this parameter blank if you don't need a custom PSP zaringate.
$client = new GuzzleClient($sandbox);
$lang = 'fa'; // OR en
$zarinpal = new Zarinpal($merchantID, $client, $lang, $sandbox, $zarinGate, $zarinGatePSP);
// object is ready, call methods now!

Available configs

    • messages language
    • possible values: [fa, en]
    • use zarringate for redirect urls
    • possible values: [0, 1]
    • use custom PSP for zaringate
    • possible values: 'Asan', 'Sep', 'Sad', 'Pec', 'Fan', 'Emz'

Run test

# clone repo
# cd zarinpal-laravel
# composer install
cd test
php Request.php

Official documents
