
работа с через API v.2

Installs: 5 525

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0


0.0.1 2017-04-11 12:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 23:34:35 UTC



The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist sabirov/yii2-anti-captcha-v2 "*"

or add

"sabirov/yii2-anti-captcha-v2": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Refer to the Official Documentation

ImageToTextTask : solve usual image captcha

A simple example :

use Sabirov\AntiCaptcha\ImageToText;

$anticaptcha = new ImageToText();
$anticaptcha->setVerboseMode(true); // chatty mode ON
$anticaptcha->setKey( 'YourСlientKey' );
$anticaptcha->setFile( '/path/to/image' );

if ( ! $anticaptcha->createTask() ) {
    $anticaptcha->debout( "API v2 send failed - " . $anticaptcha->getErrorMessage(), "red" );

    return false;

$taskId = $anticaptcha->getTaskId();

if ( ! $anticaptcha->waitForResult() ) {
	$anticaptcha->debout( "could not solve captcha", "red" );
	$anticaptcha->debout( $anticaptcha->getErrorMessage() );
} else {
	echo "\nhash result: " . $captcha_result . "\n\n";

Object structure:

Property Set property Type Required Default value Purpose
body setFile($fileName) String Yes - in the set function to pass the absolute path to the image
phrase setPhraseFlag($value) Boolean No false false - no requirements true - worker must enter an answer with at least one "space"
case setCaseFlag($value) Boolean No false false - no requirements true - worker will see a special mark telling that answer must be entered with case sensitivity.
numeric setNumericFlag($value) Integer No 0 0 - no requirements 1 - only number are allowed 2 - any letters are allowed except numbers
math setMathFlag($value) Boolean No false false - no requirements true - worker will see a special mark telling that answer must be calculated
minLength setMinLengthFlag($value) Integer No 0 0 - no requirements >1 - defines minimum length of the answer
maxLength setMaxLengthFlag($value) Integer No 0 0 - no requirements >1 - defines maximum length of the answer

NoCaptchaTask : Google Recaptcha puzzle solving

Refer to the Official Documentation

NoCaptchaTaskProxyless : Google Recaptcha puzzle solving without proxies

A simple example :

use Sabirov\AntiCaptcha\NoCaptchaProxyless;

$anticaptcha = new NoCaptchaProxyless();
$anticaptcha->setVerboseMode(true); // chatty mode ON
$anticaptcha->setKey( 'YourСlientKey' );
$anticaptcha->setWebsiteURL( '' );
$anticaptcha->setWebsiteKey( '6LebnxwUAAAAAGm3yH06pfqQtcMH0AYDwlsXnh-u' );

if ( ! $anticaptcha->createTask() ) {
	$anticaptcha->debout( "API v2 send failed - " . $anticaptcha->getErrorMessage(), "red" );
	return false;

$taskId = $anticaptcha->getTaskId();

if ( ! $anticaptcha->waitForResult() ) {
	$anticaptcha->debout( "could not solve captcha", "red" );
	$anticaptcha->debout( $anticaptcha->getErrorMessage() );
	return false;
} else {
	echo "\nhash result: " . $anticaptcha->getTaskSolution() . "\n\n";

Object structure:

Property Set property Type Required Purpose
websiteURL setWebsiteURL( $value ) String Yes Address of target web page
websiteKey setWebsiteKey( $value ) String Yes Recaptcha website key
websiteSToken setWebsiteSToken( $value ) String No Secret token for previous version of Recaptcha (now deprecated). In most cases websites use newer version and this token is not required.