
this library parse php annotation

1.2.1 2018-03-11 06:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-05 13:07:16 UTC


if you have used ReflectionClass or ReflectionMethod of php,you will find that there is a method called getDocComment ,it means that we can get comment of specified class (and method of class),so,we can do something with it. do you remember Java web Annotation ?? it is a powerful develop tool,but ,this library do not that,it on parse comment,because we never know what you want to do,right ??

how to use

this library support two function ,as follows:

get doc comment

firstly we assume there is class called Student:

class  Student{
     * @type post
     * @https true
     * **/
    public function  getName(){
        return '';

Annotation::getAnnotation() return a raw string

parse comment

before we get into real code,we must understand that there is a concept called parser,each kind of parser must implement interface called Parser, the interface is very simple,i will show you the code:

namespace  saberyjs\annotation;

interface  Parser {
     * @param  $doc string
     * @return  array|null
     * **/
    public function parse($doc);

every parser must implement parse method,it is the only method,this library has two internal parser ,StandardAnnotationParser and PlainAnnotationParser,of course,you can write your own parser(must implement Parser interface) whenever you want . if you use StandardAnnotationParser,code as follows:

$parser=new \saberyjs\annotation\StandardAnnotationParser();

if you remember the class called Student,you will find that it has a method called getName,the method has some comment,we paste it here

     * @type post
     * @https true
     * **/

so after you called Annotation::parseAnnotation method with StandardAnnotationParser ,you will get a array,it`s format as follows:


you can do whatever you want with $ret,if you are interested in it,you can read the composer package called thinkphp5-route-helper


I am a php developer in ShenZhen of China,if you also like open source ,you can contact me ,My QQ is 1174332406

last but not least,have a nice day!!