
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Import data (with CSV/JSON parsing built-in) into any Laravel Model

v1.0.0-beta 2015-01-22 05:35 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-02-03 12:00:39 UTC


Import CSV and JSON data into Laravel models, with the use of mutators to manipulate data before data is stored in the database.


Add s1dd/magus to the repositories section of your composer.json.

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": "https://github.com/s1dd/magus"

...and as a dependency

  "require": {
    "laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
    "s1dd/magus": "dev-master"

Add the Service Provider to your app/config/app.php:

'providers' => [

...and as an alias so that it can be used as a Facade:

'aliases' => [
  'Magus' => 'S1dd\Magus\MagusFacade',


If you would like to add mutators to Magus, publish the configuration, and supply an array whose values are Closures.

$ php artisan config:publish s1dd/magus

The configuration files are at:



The only prerequisite is that the configuration must be published, and the model to populate must already exist.

If we wanted to populate a Client model, which contains a name, fname, and lname, and we had a CSV string that houses this data in a different format, i.e.:

First Name,Last Name\rSidd,Sridharan

We would first need to parse the string into an associative array, and then import this array into the database:

$dataString = "First Name,Last Name\rSidd,Sridharan";
$data = Magus::parseString($dataString);

Magus::import('client', $data);

First, Magus checks the user-supplied fieldmaps.php in order to map CSV columns to their respective database columns. Then, Magus resolves the first parameter from the IoC container so it can be used as if it was a model. It then invokes the create method to insert it into the database after the input has been "mutated."


As described earlier, fieldmaps.php is simply a mapping from CSV column names to database column names. An example:

return [
  'map' => [
    'Client' => [
      'Name' => 'name',
      'First Name' => 'fname',
      'Last Name' => 'lname'


Mutators are a powerful part of Magus that allow for data manipulation prior to saving. In order to declare a Mutator, open up config.php, and add a key for the model which will be updated. Then, for each field that needs to be manipulated, declare a sub-key that points to a closure. To provide a clearer picture:

return [

  'Client' => [

    'First Name' => function($value) {
      return strtoupper($value);

    'Last Name' => function($value) {
      return strtolower($value);



This project is licensed under the MIT license.