
Double Entry Transactions for PHP

1.4.2 2023-05-05 12:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-05 14:49:28 UTC


Source Source

Luca Accounting is a Double Entry Accounting system that can easily be implemented into your application. It validates and sorts transactions prior to committing them to your Database.

        // Create a Transaction
        $txn = new Transaction( $date , 'Capital Contribution', 
                new TransactionLine($cash_account_1, 100.00,  00.00),
                new TransactionLine($eqty_account_2,  00.00, 100.00),                

        // Process the Transaction



  1. Follows Double Entry based accounting rules.
  2. Built-in validation of transactions.
  3. Sorts transaction (Dr|Cr) entries automatically prior to committing to the db.
  4. Separate Debit and Credit entries.


Via Composer. Run the following command from your project's root.

composer require s-mcdonald/luca-accounts


  • Php 8.1


  1. Extend the abstract AccountSystem class and then Implement the AccountInterface to your Account model or entity.
      // Your\App\AccountSystem.php
      class AccountSystem extends \SamMcDonald\LucaAccounts\AbstractAccountSystem {

      // Your\App\Account.php
      class Account implements \SamMcDonald\LucaAccounts\Contracts\AccountInterface {



namespace Your\App;

use Your\App\AccountSystem;
use SamMcDonald\LucaAccounts\Components\Transaction;
use SamMcDonald\LucaAccounts\Components\TransactionLine;

class YourAccountingProgram
    public static function simpleTransaction() 
        // Get a new instance of the Accounting System
        $system = new AccountSystem();

        // Register the transact function
        $system->register('transact', static function(Transaction $txn) {
             // Your logic to commit the transaction to DB

         * Load the accounts you want to use in the Transaction.
         * This will most likely be a Model or Entity object.
        $acc1 = Account::fetch('cash-account'); 
        $acc2 = Account::fetch('acc-rec-account'); 
        $acc3 = Account::fetch('inventory-account'); 

         * Make a purchase of stock request
        $txn = new Transaction( new DateTimeImmutable('now') , 'Purchase of inventory', 
                new TransactionLine($acc1, 000.00,  50.00),
                new TransactionLine($acc2, 000.00, 150.00),
                new TransactionLine($acc3, 200.00,   0.00),                 

         * Perform the transaction


            └ src/
              ├── Components/
              │   │
              │   ├── Transaction.php
              │   │            
              │   └── TransactionLine.php
              ├── Contracts/
              │   │
              │   ├── AccountInterface.php
              │   │            
              │   ├── TransactionInterface.php
              │   │
              │   └── TransactionLineInterface.php
              ├── Exceptions/
              │   │
              │   └── DoubleEntryException.php
              │   │
              │   └── InvalidTransactionLineEntryException.php
              ├── Enums/
              │   │
              │   └── AccountType.php 
              ├── Util/
              │   │
              │   └── EntryFormatter.php
              └── AbstractAccountSystem.php


Luca-Accounts is licensed under the terms of the MIT License (See LICENSE file for details).

Name of Luca

Luca-Accounting was named after Luca Pacioli (The father of Accounting). He popularized the DoubleEntry book-keeping system.