
v1.1.1 2024-07-05 01:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 03:24:18 UTC



This package emulates enum feature of php8.1 and later.


    "require": {
        "ryunosuke/polyfill-enum": "*"


# Below are the same results
php80 demo/php80-polyfill.php
php81 demo/php81-builtin.php


Inheriting a *Enum makes public const consider an enum case, and the case is obtained by a method call. All other specifications are the same as native enum.

  • *Enum
    • PureEnum: compatible native PureEnum (like enum Hoge {...})
    • IntBackedEnum: compatible native IntBackedEnum (like enum Fuga: int {...})
    • StringBackedEnum: compatible native StringBackedEnum (like enum Piyo: string {...})

This package also provides ReflectionEnum*. These are fully compatible with native.


See demo for details


php8.1's enum is below

enum Suit1
    use Magicable; // explain later

    const SIMPLE_CONST = null;

    private const OTHER_CONST = null;

    case Hearts;
    case Diamonds;
    case Clubs;
    case Spades;
var_dump(count(Suit1::cases())); // int(4)

enum Suit2: int
    use Magicable; // explain later

    const SIMPLE_CONST = 0;

    const OTHER_CONST = '';

    case Hearts   = 1;
    case Diamonds = 2;
    case Clubs    = 3;
    case Spades   = 4;
var_dump(count(Suit2::cases())); // int(4)

enum Suit3: string
    use Magicable; // explain later

    const SIMPLE_CONST = '';

    const OTHER_CONST = 0;

    case Hearts   = 'H';
    case Diamonds = 'D';
    case Clubs    = 'C';
    case Spades   = 'S';
var_dump(count(Suit3::cases())); // int(4)

This package's enum is below

class Suit1 extends PureEnum
    const SIMPLE_CONST = null; // This is not a case (because EnumCase attribute).

    private const OTHER_CONST = null; // This is not a case (because it is not public).

    const Hearts   = null;
    const Diamonds = null;
    const Clubs    = null;
    const Spades   = null;
var_dump(count(Suit1::cases())); // int(4)

class Suit2 extends IntBackedEnum
    const SIMPLE_CONST = 0; // This is not a case (because EnumCase attribute).

    const OTHER_CONST = ''; // This is not a case (because it is not int).

    const Hearts   = 1;
    const Diamonds = 2;
    const Clubs    = 3;
    const Spades   = 4;
var_dump(count(Suit2::cases())); // int(4)

class Suit3 extends StringBackedEnum
    const SIMPLE_CONST = ''; // This is not a case (because EnumCase attribute).

    const OTHER_CONST = 0; // This is not a case (because it is not string).

    const Hearts   = 'H';
    const Diamonds = 'D';
    const Clubs    = 'C';
    const Spades   = 'S';
var_dump(count(Suit3::cases())); // int(4)

enum case is const that ...

  • public
  • value matches backed type(Pure is null)
  • not EnumCase(false)
    • notice: EnumCase(true) has no effect at currently


Several traits are defined and can be conveniently used as needed.

  • Methodable: provides Magic method call
    • __callStatic: returns case by name (e.g. Suit::Hearts())
    • practically required for php < 8.1
  • Compatible: provides compatibility php8.1's native enum
    • disable magic method(e.g. clone, sleep, etc)
    • assert like enum(e.g. final, no properties, etc)
    • do other
  • Initializable: provides initialize
    • this can be used like a java static initializer


8.1 でポリフィルを使うと一部非互換となります。 具体的には enum_exists の結果が変わったり、 UnitEnum の instanceof が反応しなくなったりします。 これは組み込みゆえにどうしようもありません(組み込みの enum_exists にオレオレクラスを反応させることはできないし、UnitEnum の子クラスでもなくなるためです)。

demo の中に

  • 8.0 で polyfill を使うもの
  • 8.1 で polyfill を使うもの
  • 8.1 で builtin を使うもの



  • Q. 8.1 のネイティブで良くない?
    • A. rhel9 の app stream に php8.0 が採用(10年サポート)されたため、8.0 縛りはしばらく続くと考えています(一応 7.4 も在命だしね)
  • Q. だとして他に優秀なライブラリあるけど?
    • A. その通りです。ただ「enum が欲しい」のではなく「php8.1 の native enum 互換」が欲しかったのです(UnitEnum とか ReflectionEnum とか)
      • 例えば依存ライブラリで instanceof UnitEnum とか new ReflectionEnum() とかされていても問題なく使えるようになります
      • あと uopz の redefine で定数にオブジェクトを格納できると知ったのも大きいですね。これさえあれば使い勝手は 8.1 native とほぼ同じです
  • Q. 機能少ないけど?
    • A. ポリフィルに徹してます。変に便利機能を持たせると移行がしづらくなるためです
      • あくまで enum と似た機能を提供するに留め、いざ 8.1 に移行したときに最小限の変更で済むようにする、がコンセプトです(究極的には定義部だけの変更に留めたい)
      • 確かに __toString とか name => value な配列を返す方法とかがあると便利は便利なんですけどね…


Versioning follows semantic versioning.

  • https://semver.org
    • major: change specifications (BC break)
    • minor: add feature (no BC break)
    • patch: fix bug (no BC break)


  • [merge] 1.0.2


  • [*change] php>=8.0


  • [fixbug] trait/interface 読み込み時に多重定義エラーが出る不具合


  • [fixbug] オートローダが無限ループする不具合を修正


  • publish
