
Generates coupon codes.

1.0.0 2019-01-18 05:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 17:46:54 UTC


This is a flexible coupon code generator.

A 'Coupon Code' is made up of letters and numbers grouped into 4 character 'parts'. For example, a 3-part code might look like this:


Coupon Codes are random codes which are easy for the recipient to type accurately into a web form. An example application might be to print a code on a letter to a customer who would then enter the code as part of the registration process for web access to their account.


composer require ryantxr/coupon-code

Static Usage

\Ryantxr\CouponCode\Generator::generate(); // generate a code
\Ryantxr\CouponCode\Generator::generate(true); // generate a lowercase code
$bytes = random_bytes(16);
\Ryantxr\CouponCode\Generator::generate(true, $bytes); // generate a lower case code and pass in the random bytes
\Ryantxr\CouponCode\Generator::init(['numberOfSegments' => 5, 'segmentLength' => 4])->generateCode(); // generate a code

Use as an object

$codeGenerator = new \Ryantxr\CouponCode\Generator();
$codeGenerator = new \Ryantxr\CouponCode\Generator(['numberOfSegments' => 5, 'segmentLength' => 4]);

$code = $codeGenerator->generateCode();
$code = $codeGenerator->generateCode(true); // generate a lowercase code
$code = $codeGenerator->generateCode(true, $randomBytes); // generate a lowercase code, passing in the random bytes

See also

perl https://github.com/grantm/Algorithm-CouponCode

NodeJS https://www.npmjs.com/package/coupon-code

Ruby https://rubygems.org/gems/coupon_code/versions/0.0.1

php https://github.com/atelierdisko/coupon_code