
simple genetic algorithm in PHP

1.0.3 2015-01-08 09:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 18:20:10 UTC


simple genetic algorithm in php, this package i create just for example how we can implement Genetic Algorithm in PHP if you inteserted just email me at mr.ryansilalahi@gmail.com :-)

see interface/GeneticAlgorithm.php


you can download this with composer (packagist)

composer require ryanhs/simple-genetic-algorithm


in example dir you can see:

  • example1.php
  • example2.php
  • example3.php

example 1

require '/vendor/autoload.php'; // composer autoload

$ga = new \SimpleGeneticAlgorithm\SimpleGeneticAlgorithm(array(
	'mutation' => 25, // 25%
	'goal' => 'Astari Ghaniarti',
	'delay' => 50, // ms, if debug is false, then delay forced to 0
	'debug' => true,

$ga->run(); // just run because debug is true


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