
Audit changes of your Eloquent models in Laravel/Lumen

v9.3.2 2019-09-11 15:03 UTC



This is a fork of the abandoned Laravel-Auditing package. The fork was needed to support Larvel v6. The fork will continue to be maintained. Overtime the package will change namespaces to RunACorp\Auditing with the OwenIt\Auditing remaining for backward compatibility.


This package will help you understand changes in your Eloquent models, by providing information about possible discrepancies and anomalies that could indicate business concerns or suspect activities.

Laravel Auditing allows you to keep a history of model changes by simply using a trait. Retrieving the audited data is straightforward, making it possible to display it in various ways.

Official Documentation

The package documentation can be found on the official website or at the documentation repository.

Version Information

Version Illuminate Status PHP Version
9.3 5.8.x - 6.x.x Active support 🚀 >= 7.2
9.0 - 9.2 5.8.x - 5.x.x End of life >= 7.1.3
8.x 5.2.x - 5.7.x End of life >= 7.0.13
7.x 5.2.x - 5.6.x End of life >= 7.0.13
6.x 5.2.x - 5.6.x End of life >= 7.0.13
5.x 5.2.x - 5.5.x End of life >= 7.0.13
4.x 5.2.x - 5.5.x End of life >= 5.5.9
3.x 5.2.x - 5.4.x End of life >= 5.5.9
2.x 5.1.x - 5.3.x End of life >= 5.5.9


Please see the contributing entry for more details.



The Laravel Auditing package is open source software licensed under the MIT LICENSE.