
The WPUtils Repository package.

0.1 2020-02-09 18:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 19:27:46 UTC


Install Guide

composer require rumur/wputils-repository

How to use?


If you're using inside your project a DI such as Pimple, in this case you can use a ServiceProvider.

// Simple example.
$container = new \Pimple\Container();

$services = [
    // ...
    // ...

foreach ($services as $service) {
    $container->register(new $service);

// To get an instance from a DI.
add_action('init', static function() use ($container) {
    $post_repository = $container[\Rumur\WPUtils\Contracts\Repository\IPostRepository::class];
    $term_repository = $container[\Rumur\WPUtils\Contracts\Repository\ITermRepository::class];

If you're instantiated a repository via ServiceProvider, in this case, you can also use some extra functionality such as create, update, and delete

$post_repository = $container[\Rumur\WPUtils\Contracts\Repository\IPostRepository::class];

$created = $post_repository->create([
    'post_title' => 'New Post Created via Repository',    
    'post_content' => 'Lorem ipsum ...',    

if ($created) {
    $updated = $post_repository->update($created->ID, [
        'post_title' => 'New Post Created via Repository',
        'post_status' => 'publish', 

$term_repository = $container[\Rumur\WPUtils\Contracts\Repository\ITermRepository::class];

// Create a term for a category
$created = $term_repository->create('New category created via repository', 'category');

// Advanced
$child = $term_repository->create([
    'name' => 'New advanced category created via repository',
    'description' => 'Lorem Ipsum ...',
    'slug' => 'new-advanced-category',
    'parent' => $created->term_id,
    'term_group' => 12,
], 'category');

// Delete term
$term_repository->delete($child->term_id, $child->taxonomy);

Switch a context of $post repository

// In order to switch a context for a repository `post_type` e.g. to `page`

$post_repository->all(); // Will return all pages.


// Via container.
$term = $container[\Rumur\WPUtils\Contracts\Repository\ITermRepository::class];

// Or instantiate directly
// $term = new \Rumur\WPUtils\Repository\TermRepository();

// To get all terms from a DB.

// To get specific terms
$term->only('category', 'ctx_genre', 'ctx_skill');

// Or you can pass variables as an array
$term->only(['category', 'ctx_genre', 'ctx_skill']);

// Get all terms except specific ones.

// Get a specific term
$term->find($term_id = 12, 'category');

// To create a specific query you can use the following
$term->where('taxonomy', 'category')
     ->where('id', 12) // It's the same as 'term_id'

// To scope a query to a specific post
$term->where('taxonomy', 'category')
     ->where('post', 155) // It's the same as 'object_ids'


// Via container.
$term = $container[\Rumur\WPUtils\Contracts\Repository\ITermResourceRepository::class];

// Or instantiate directly
// $term = new \Rumur\WPUtils\Repository\TermResourceRepository();


This will behave the same as a regular TermRepository except it will bind term queries to a specific resource.


// Via container.
$post = $container[\Rumur\WPUtils\Contracts\Repository\IPostRepository::class];

// Or instantiate directly
// $post = new \Rumur\WPUtils\Repository\PostRepository();

// To get all posts from a DB.

// To get specific posts
$post->only(13, 12, 155);

// Or you can pass variables as an array
$post->only([13, 12, 155]);

// Get all terms except specific ones.

// Get a specific post
$post->find($post_id = 12);

// To create a specific query you can use the following
$post->where('post__in', [12, 155])->get();

// Get the \WP_Query instance
$post->where('post__in', [12, 155])->query();