
PHP implementation of golang errors package.

1.0.0 2019-07-11 03:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 08:27:39 UTC


PHP implementation of golang errors package.

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composer require rumd3x/php-go-errors


Here's an example of usage of the standard Error implementation.

For more information consult the API documentation on the section below.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Rumd3x\Errors\Error;

$result = exampleFunction();

if ($result instanceof Error) {
    echo "$result\n";
    exit 1;

echo "File contents:\n";
foreach ($data as $row) {
    echo "$row\n";

 * The example function
function exampleFunction() {
    $data = file('filename.txt');

    if ($data === false) {
        return Error::new('failed to open file');

    return $data;


This library provides two utilities that can be used and extended upon:

  • A standard interface: Rumd3x\Errors\ErrorInterface;
  • A standard implementation: Rumd3x\Errors\Error that already implements Rumd3x\Errors\ErrorInterface;

Error (Interface)

An Rumd3x\Errors\ErrorInterface implementation's constructor should accept the error message string as its first and only parameter.

$err = new ErrorImplementation('error message');

It should also provide a public method error to convert the instance into the error message:

$err = new ErrorImplementation('error message');
echo $err->error();

Error (Implementation)

The standard error implementation full classname is Rumd3x\Errors\Error and already implements Rumd3x\Errors\ErrorInterface.

  • The standard error implementation contained in this library is not final, so it can be extended upon.
  • It can also be safely treated as a string.

It also provides the following extra methods:

  • new (Static)
  • newf (Static)


The new method, allows to create a new instance of error, but statically, it is functionally the same as using the constructor.

$err = Error::new('error message');


The newf method, allows to create a new instance of error, but it can accept an infinite amount of arguments: (It is functionally the same as formatting a string using sprintf then passing it to the new method)

  • The first argument should be the error text, but it accepts the % notation for formatting;
  • The rest of the parameters should be the arguments to be formatted on the error text;
$err = Error::newf('error: %d is %s than %d', 10, 'less', 20);

Treating error as string

The Rumd3x\Errors\Error or whatever class extend it, can be safely treated as a string, and used alongside one.

$err = Error::new('error message');
$text = $error->error(); // $text should contain 'error message'
$text2 = (string) $error; // $text2 should also contain 'error message'
echo $err; // should output 'error message'
echo "Error: $err"; // should output 'Error: error message'