
Rose API Project Skeleton

v2.0.23 2025-02-05 03:58 UTC


This repository contains a sample project to use as skeleton to build APIs with Rose to be fully compliant with Wind. Install using composer:

composer create-project rsthn/rose-api <target-directory>

After installation edit your composer.json file to reflect your own project details.

Quick Test

Let's assume you installed the project in a folder named test, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost/test/, if everything is fine you should see the JSON result, as follows:

	"response": 200,
	"framework": "rsthn/rose-core",
    "version": "5.0.0"

There is also another API function named now, if you navigate to http://localhost/test/?f=now the result should be:

	"response": 200,
	"server_time": "2024-04-08 07:20:12",
    "database_time": "2024-04-08 07:20:12"

Now, for simplicity if you don't like to use the f parameter (which is fine, by the way) but rather a URL path (such as http://localhost/test/now), you can configure your web server to rewrite the URL. When using Apache-compatible use the following in your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /test/

RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]

And with that, your pretty URLs will be supported.


Ensure you have a rose-env file on the root of this project with the name of the appropriate configuration environment to use (i.e. dev, prod, etc). Rose will load the dev.conf, prod.conf or whichever file you specify (along with system.conf by default) from the conf folder. Edit the conf files to reflect the configuration of your system.

Note that the rose-env file should not be commited to ensure it is never overwritten in destination servers.

API Interaction

The service provided by this project is compliant with Wind, more information about it can be found in the Wind API behavior documentation.

  • The root folder for all API functions (.fn files) is fn because Wind is the Rose service that will take care of the API interaction.
  • The f request parameter indicates the name of the function to execute, this parameter can have only the characters [#A-Za-z0-9.,_-], any other character will be removed.
  • The dot . character is used as path separator, therefore invoking sys.users.add will cause Wind to load the fn/sys/users/add.fn file.


The following extensions are installed with this project: