
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.2.0) of this package.

Simply copy files from source to destination.

v1.2.0 2019-07-26 09:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 02:24:21 UTC


Simply copy files from source to destination using rsync.

Simple usage

  • Create (and protect) a folder accessible from Internet (example : _secure23x45).
  • Create a file (example : deploy.php) and add this content :
require '../vendor/autoload.php'; // If installed with composer
// require '../deployr/src/autoload.php'; // If installed without composer

$deployr = new Deployr\Application('mysupersecretkey'); // Change the key !
    'allowed_ip' => ['', '::1', 'MY.SUP.ER.IP'],
  • Access to, review files and publish them !

At first run, the database will be created and assets copied into new folder.

You will be asked to set the settings. Be careful with folder path and excluded files. By default, the following paths are excluded :

  • The path of this tool (for example /_secure23x45)
  • /node_modules/ and /vendor/ (because of large amount of files.)


Don't use this tool for first deployment !

If you add folders or files in excluded paths, like storage path, it will not be created even thought it is necessary.


Pre-requisite : PHP 7, rsync and correct rights on folders.

With composer

composer install rseon/deployr

Add this line at start of your deployer file : require '../vendor/autoload.php';

Without composer

  • Download this repository as ZIP
  • Upload it on your server
  • Dezip file at root of your project
  • Add this line at start of your deployer file : require '../deployr/src/autoload.php';


Name Description
run() Run the application
setOptions(array $options) Set options to the application


Name Description Default
access_key_name The name of the GET parameter access_key
allowed_ip Allow access for only these IP addresses ['', '::1']

Diving deeper


Feel free to add your translations into the src/i18n folder adding JSON file (named as your lang).

The format is simple : { "My string" : "My translated string" }

Then add it into the file src/i18n/available.json