
Easily integrate bulk SMS into laravel app

2.0.2 2024-07-14 12:17 UTC


Laravel bulk sms

V2 supports V9 and above use V1 for V8 and below

This package provides a Facade to send SMS from any controller. Open a free account Royce BulkSMS, under API menu click generate API. Copy the API key and paste it in your .env file



  • Provides a database table for storing sent text. table name:sent_text_messages

  • Receive Instant delivery status. Add webhook url to your bulksms account we'll send you message delivery status back to your application


Require the royceltd/laravel-bulksms package in your composer.json and update your dependencies:

composer require royceltd/laravel-bulksms

Run migration

This package shift with a database table that will store sent text. It also provides a simple UI you can view the sent text

php artisan migrate


Laravel usage

T Open a free account Royce BulkSMS, under API menu click generate API. Copy the API key and paste it in your .env file


Sending Text message

In order to send text message add facade at the top of your controller and invoke sendSMS method with two parameters Recipient phone number and Message in that order.

Check sample below for guidance.

   use RoyceLtd\LaravelBulkSMS\Facades\RoyceBulkSMS;

        $phone = "071234567";
        $message = "Hello world";

        RoyceBulkSMS::sendSMS($phone, $message);


We offer free integration. React us via call/whatsapp +254 713727937

API integration

If you would like to integrate API without using package check docs here: API documentation