
Request class provides an object-oriented way to interact with the current HTTP request being handled by your application as well as retrieve the input, and files that were submitted with the request.

v3.0.2 2025-01-17 14:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 14:32:11 UTC


Install the bundle using Composer:

composer require roy404/request


This PHP class is designed to handle HTTP requests and provide validation and error handling functionalities. It extends the Blueprints class and provides methods for validating inputs, accessing request data, and checking for errors.


  1. Instantiate the class: Create an instance of the Request class to access its methods.

    $request = new Request();
    # Access request data: Use the input(), json(), query(), file(), post(), inputs(), has(), method(), only(), and except() methods to access request data.
    $email = $request->input('email');
    $inputs = $request->inputs();
    $hasEmail = $request->has('email');
    $method = $request->method();
    $filteredInputs = $request->only(['email', 'name']);
    $filteredInputs = $request->except(['password']);
  2. Validate inputs: Use the validate() method to specify validation rules and the isSuccess() and isFailed() methods to check if validation was successful.

        'email' => 'required|email',
        'file' => 'required|file|extensions:xlsx,pdf|max:200',
        'images' => 'required|image|dimensions:max_width=1800,max_height=1500'
    if ($request->isSuccess()) {
        // Validation successful
    } else {
        // Validation failed
        $errors = $request->errors();
  3. Set custom error messages: Use the message() method before the isSuccess() and isFailed() to set custom error messages for validation rules.

        'email' => [
            'required' =>  'Email address is required.'
        'file' => [
            'required' => 'Please upload a file.'

Available Methods

  • inputs(): array: Get all input values.
  • input(string $name): mixed: Get the value of a specific input.
  • has(string $key): bool: Check if an input exists.
  • method(): string: Get the HTTP request method.
  • only(array $input_keys): array: Get only the specified input values.
  • except(array $input_keys): array: Get all input values except the specified keys.
  • errors(bool $force_all = false): array: Get validation errors.
  • error(string $key): mixed: Get the error message for a specific input key.
  • isMatched(string $key, mixed $value): bool: Check if the input value matches the specified value.
  • isSuccess(): bool: Check if validation was successful.
  • isFailed(): bool: Check if validation failed.
  • validate(array $array): self: Set validation rules.
  • message(array $array): void: Set custom error messages.

Validation Rules

  • image: Ensures that the input is a valid image file, such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG, or WEBP.
  • file: Validates that the input is a valid file upload.
  • required: Checks that the input is not empty.
  • array: Verifies that the input is an array.
  • null: Checks that the input is null.
  • numeric: Ensures that the input is a numeric value.
  • integer: Checks that the input is an integer.
  • string: Verifies that the input is a string.
  • email: Validates that the input is a valid email address.
  • password: Validates that the input is a valid password.
  • confirmed: Checks that the input value matches another field (typically used for password confirmation).
  • mimes: Specifies the allowed MIME types for file uploads, such as JPEG, PNG, PDF, etc.
  • extensions: Specifies the allowed file extensions for file uploads, such as pdf, xlsx, etc.
  • max: Specifies the maximum file size in MB allowed for file uploads or the maximum characters length for strings.
  • min: Specifies the minimum characters length for strings.
  • dimensions: Validates the dimensions (width and height) of an image file, enforcing minimum or maximum width and height requirements for images. It supports options like max_width, max_height, min_width, min_height, width, and height.