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HTML objects creator

dev-master 2013-05-10 23:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 17:33:25 UTC


Build Status

HtmlNode is a "bootsrap library" to create and manipulate html elements in PHP.
Requires PHP 5.4+

Creation and options

Create your first node:

$node = new Node("h1", "Hello World", ["class" => "title"]);

Node tag

Change or get the tag of the node:

// Setter:
// Getter:
// Ask if the node is an autoclosed element:

Node text Object

Setting text on autoclosed elements (input, meta... etc) will throw an LogicException

$node->text("Chapter 10");
// The getter
// Check if text contains the string:
// $2: case insensitive or not. $3: type checking
$node->contains(10, true, true);
// Replace part of the text
$node->text->replace("10", "20");
// Check if text match the expression
// Text length

// moving text in collection
$child = (new Node)->appendTo($node);

// text is the first / last element in childs

Node attributes

Once the node is instanciated, its easy to customize it. Several methods allow you to set options in the "jQuery way".

$node->attr("rel", "tooltip");
// With an array
$node->attr(["rel" => "tooltip", "id" => "hello-world"]);
// Get an attribute

Search against an attribute. It is a very basic support, only : . and # expressions are supported:


data and aria attributes custom supports:

$node->data("position", "left");
// multi-level setter
$node->data(["position" => ["before" => "left", "after" => "right"]]);
// An other way is to make use of dotted notation
$node->data("position.before", "left");
// It also workds with the getter

Add / remove classes.

// With an array
$node->addClass(["active", "title"])
// conditionnal: value not false in second parameter determines if the class should be added
$node->addClassIf("active", true)
// With 3 parameters, the class is added if third $2 match $3
$node->removeClassIf("active", true, false) // nothing is added

Css inline styles:

$node->css("color", "red");
// With an array
$node->css(["color" => "red", "margin" => 20])
// With an array
$node->css(["color" => "red", "margin" => 20])

Node Manipulation

Wrap or unwrap Node into a new node.

$node->wrap("hgroup", ["class" => "group"]);

If you want to put nodes into an another node, use append() or prepend() instead:

// Append to an existing node
// An other way to achieve this is
// Or creates node on-the-fly
$node->prependTo("hgroup", [["class" => "group"]);

Note that the moved node is a clone, the original node modifications wil not be proagated. So if you want to store the new node, do this:

$appended = $node->appendTo($parent);

You can also insert nodes to the parent, with insertBefore() or insertAfter() methods:

$new = (new Node("h3"))->insertAfter($appended);
// Detach node from $parent

Replace a node with an other:

$new = new Node("h3");

Node traversing

A set of node childrens is a collection object which implements ArrayAccess and Tarversable in ordre to manipulate the collection:

// Loop throught node childs:
if ($parent->hasChildren()) {
  foreach ($parent->children() as $key => $child) {
    $child->addClassIf("active", $key % 2);
// Get the parent:
if ($child->hasParent()) {
  $parent = $child->parent();
// You can also check for the child:
if ($parent->isParentOf($child)) {
// And the parent:
if (! $child->isChildOf($parent)) {

Get the current position of a child (returns an int):

// or from the parent node

Get the child by its position in the collection:

$child = $parent->children()->eq(2);

Visits node siblings inside a collection:

if ($sibling = $child->next()) {
  $child = $silbing->prev();

There is different ways to get a collection of siblings:

// The collection, whithout the node:
$siblings = $child->siblings();
// All next / prev silbings
$na = $child->nextAll();
$pa = $child->prevAll();

Node iterations and search

$list = Node::make("ul");
$item = Node::make("li");
// Populate the list:
foreach ($items as $key => $val) {
  $temp = $item->appendTo($list)->addClassIf("even", $key % 2);
  // Set only 1 foo:
  if ($key == 4) {
    $anchor = Node::make("a", "foo")->appendTo($temp);

Now, we can start to get collections from our elements:

// Find all  tags:
$a = $list->find("a");
// Find by attribute name:
$a = $list->find("[required]");
// Find by name / value:
$a = $list->find('[name="email"]');
// find childrens with class .even
$e = $list->children(".even");
// or a single result (a node)
$c = $anchor->closest("ul");
// find in next / prev
$p = $temp->prevAll(".even");

Node rendering

Node object can be echoed, the __toString method calls render()

// Render a node with all its contents:
echo $node->render();
// or simply:
echo $node;
// Render the node html (the text is skipped):
echo $node->html();
// Render the node contents (node children %2B text)
echo $node->contents();
// Render the node, whithout its html / text
echo $node->self();

Build your own nodes !

Register a custom node instance, that you can re-use later. Add true as third parameter in order to prevent further instanciation (act as a singleton):

// register the	custom node:
Node::macro("input", function($name, $value = null, $attrs = []){
  return Node::make("input", compact("name", "value") %2B $attrs);
// use it:
Node::input("email", null, ["placeholder" => "Email"]);