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Simple Php Validator

0.1.0 2017-05-07 16:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 17:43:43 UTC



composer require romagny13\php-validator


Validation classes (extends Validation base class) => with message (error message) and __invoke (magic function) to validate the received value:

  • RequiredValidation
  • MinLengthValidation
  • MaxLengthValidation
  • PatternValidation
  • EmailValidation
  • CustomValidation


  • ValidationStrategy (implements ValidationStrategyInterface) => returns Validation class instances (RequiredValidation, MinLengthValidation, etc.)
  • ValidationService (implements ValidationServiceInterface) => allows to register validations by models and validate model values


  • Validations => Provides shortcuts (static functions) to create instances of Validations (required, minLength, maxLength, pattern, email, custom)
  • Validator => Allows to validate easily (static functions) a model with validations (valide model and validateValue)



use PHPValidator\Helpers\Validations;
use PHPValidator\Helpers\Validator;

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

$password = 'abc';

$model = [
    'username' => '',
    'email' => 'abc',
    'password' => $password,
    'confirm_password' => 'xyz'

$validations = [
    'username' => [Validations::required(), Validations::minLength()],
    'email' => [Validations::required(), Validations::email()],
    'password' => [Validations::required('Please enter a password')],
    'confirm_password' => [Validations::custom(function($value) use($password){
        return $value === $password;
    },'Password and confirm password do not match.')]

$result = Validator::validateModel($validations, $model);
var_dump($result->hasError, $result->errors);


Create a class that inherits from 'Validation'.

class NumberValidation extends Validation
    public function __construct($message)
        $this->message = $message;

    public function __invoke($value)
        // if has no value => don't evaluate (this is the job of required validation)
            return true;
        return is_numeric($value);

Extend Validators class helper

class MyValidations extends Validations
    public static function isNumeric($message='Please fix this field.'){
      return new NumberValidation($message);

Usage (example with age)

$model = [
    'username' => 'abcdefg',
    'age' => 'my age'

$validations = [
    'username' => [Validations::required(), Validations::minLength()],
    'age' => [Validations::required(), MyValidations::isNumeric()],

$result = Validator::validateModel($validations, $model);


A better way to use validation from a service class for example and have a code more testable.

Example :

Create a service that receive the ValidationService to use.

class MyApplicationValidationService
    protected $validationService;
    protected $strategy;

    public function __construct(ValidationServiceInterface $validationService, ValidationStrategyInterface $strategy)
        // allows to register validations by models and validate model values
        $this->validationService = $validationService;

        // returns Validation class instances (RequiredValidation, MinLengthValidation, etc.)
        $this->strategy = $strategy;

        // init
        $this->addPostValidations(); // post
        // other model Validations  (example category, user, ....)

    public function addPostValidations(){
        $validations = [
            'title' => [$this->strategy->required('Please enter a title'),$this->strategy->minLength()],
            'content' => [$this->strategy->required()]

    public function validatePost($post){
       return $this->validationService->validate('post',$post);

    // other models validation functions ...


// inject the services
$service = new MyApplicationValidationService(new ValidationService(), new ValidationStrategy());

// the model to validate
$post = [
    'title' => '',
    'content' => 'My content'
// and finally validate with the service
$result = $service->validatePost($post);
// easy to inject the errors in view
// for this example we have an error => $result->errors['title'] = 'This field is required.'