
QueryablePHP is a PHP port of the node lib Queryable

dev-master / 1.0.1.x-dev 2015-03-11 06:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 15:42:19 UTC


PHP port of Queryable

This is a PHP port of QUeryable a tiny NoSQL-like database that allows structured querying of an array of objects. It stores as a JSON string.


$config = array(
    'dbDir' => realpath('.'),
    'dbName' => 'test.db'
$DB = \rollingWolf\QueryablePHP\QueryablePHP::open($config);
$DB->insert('[{president:"George Washington",took_office:1789},{president:"John Adams",took_office:1797},{president:"Thomas Jefferson",took_office:1801},{president:"James Madison",took_office:1809}]');

The script allows slack JSON (PHP vs javascript style) and therefore doesnt require "" around president.