
Another htmlpurify for php. It is simple to use.

1.1 2016-11-07 14:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:42:24 UTC


A php simple html purify. This library doesn't apply any HTML specification. You should configure all rules by yourself.


composer require rokety/php-simple-html-purify

How it works

                 | dirtyHtml |
  +------------------> | <-------------------+
  |                    |                     |
  |      +-------------v---------------+     |
  |      |  apply Tag BlackList rules  |     |
  |      |                             |     |
  |      |                             |     |
No|      |                             |     |
  |      |                             |     |
  |      |  apply Tag WhiteList rules  |     |
  |      |                             |     |
  |      +-------------+---------------+     |
  |                    |                     |
  |                    |                     |
  |                    +                     |
  +------------+if tag was keep              |
                       +                     |
                       | Yes                 |
       +---------------v-----------------+   |
       | apply Attribute BlackList rules |   |
       |                                 |   |
       |                                 |   |
       |                                 |   |
       | apply Attribute WhiteList rules |   |
       |                                 |   |
       +---------------+-----------------+   |
                       |                     |
                       |                     |
                       +                     |
  +-----------+if attribute was keep         |
  |                    +                     |
  |                    | Yes                 |
  |   +----------------v-------------------+ |
  |   |apply AttributeValue BalckList rules| |
No|   |                                    | |
  |   |                                    | |
  |   |                                    | |
  |   |apply AttributeValue WhiteList rules| |
  |   +----------------+-------------------+ |
  |                    |                     |
  |                    |                     |
  |                    v                     |
  |          +---------+---------+           |
  +---------^+ collect valid tag |           |
             +---------+---------+           |
                       |                     | No
                       |                     |
                       +                     |
          if all tags has been purify +------+
                       | Yes
             | generate cleanHtml |


Filter tag:

use PHPSimpleHtmlPurify\Purifier;
use PHPSimpleHtmlPurify\Tag;

require './vendor/autoload.php';

$dirtyHtml = '<div><script>alert("xss");</script><p>Hello Wrold</p></div>';
$htmlPurifier = new Purifier();
$htmlPurifier->tagBlackList(new Tag('script'));//add script to tag blacklist rules
echo $htmlPurifier->purify($dirtyHtml);//output: <div><p>Hello Wrold</p></div>

$htmlPurifier = new Purifier();
$htmlPurifier->tagWhiteList(new Tag(['p', 'div']));//add p, div to tag whitelist rules
echo $htmlPurifier->purify($dirtyHtml);//output: <div><p>Hello Wrold</p></div>

//tag name also support regular expression, see source directory tests/*Test.php

Filter attribute:

$dirtyHtml = '<div style="color: #080808" class="data-content"><p>Hello World</p></div>';
$htmlPurifier = new Purifier();
$htmlPurifier->attrBlackList(new Attribute('class'));//add class to attribute blacklist, apply to all tag
echo $htmlPurifier->purify($dirtyHtml);//output: <div style="color: #080808" ><p>Hello World</p></div>

$dirtyHtml = '<div style="color: #080808" class="data-content"><p style="color: #101010">Hello World</p></div>';
$htmlPurifier = new Purifier();
$htmlPurifier->attrWhiteList(new Attribute('style', false, new Tag('div')));//add style to attribute whitelist, apply to div tag
echo $htmlPurifier->purify($dirtyHtml);//output: <div style="color: #080808" ><p style="color: #101010" >Hello World</p></div>

//attribute name also support regular expression, see source directory tests/*Test.php

Filter attribute value:

$dirtyHtml = '<div style="color: #080808;position: absolute" class="data-content"><p style="color: #101010">Hello World</p></div>';
$htmlPurifier = new Purifier();
$htmlPurifier->attrValueBlackList(new AttributeValue('/position *: *absolute;?/', true, new Attribute('style')));//add style to attributeValue blacklist, apply to all tag
echo $htmlPurifier->purify($dirtyHtml);//output: <div style="color: #080808;"  class="data-content" ><p style="color: #101010" >Hello World</p></div>

$dirtyHtml = '<div style="color: #080808;position: absolute" class="data-content"><p style="color: #101010;font-size: 12px">Hello World</p></div>';
$htmlPurifier = new Purifier();
$htmlPurifier->attrValueWhiteList(new AttributeValue(['/color: *#\d+;?/', '/font-size: *\d+px;?/'], true, new Attribute('style', false, new Tag('div'))));//add style to attribute whitelist, apply to div tag
echo $htmlPurifier->purify($dirtyHtml);//output: <div style="color: #080808;"  class="data-content" ><p style="color: #101010; font-size: 12px" >Hello World</p></div>

For more use case, see source directory tests/*Test.php.