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Build Sql clause from php arrays

1.0.0 2021-05-12 12:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 20:34:14 UTC


Build SQL clause from an array.


To add the package to your dependencies, you should have composer installed on your machine. Run the command below in your project directory

composer require roi/sql-clause-builder


You can access the class within this namespace \Roi\SqlClauseBuilder


In order to use the package you must include the auto-generated autoload.php file by composer usually in the location {project-root}/vendor at the top of your script.

If you are using a PHP framework like Laravel, Slim etc, you can skip the above because it would be automatically added.

SqlClauseBuilder requires you to first define an associative array of parameters that is acceptable. See sample below

$searchable_params = [
        'col'=> '', 
        'col'=> 'merchants.type', 
] ;

Notice that each entry in the array above is an associative array with 3 defined keys, which are

  • col, a string which implies to the corresponding column in the table
  • factors, an array of SQL operations that can be performed on the specified column
  • bind_as, the explicit data type for the parameter. See for a list options.

Please note that the keys are required.

Next, create an instance of SqlClauseBuilder with the defined searchable columns passed as the argument.

Note that the $searchable_params is the only argument required by the constructor

$clausebuilder = new \Roi\SqlClauseBuilder\SqlClauseBuilder($searchable_params) ;

Then you could easily fit this in a PDO prepared statement, binding the parameters ;

Next call the build method, passing the array you want built into a SQL clause

$data = ['name'=>['data'=>['Bob%'],'factor'=>'like'] ] ;
$clause = $clausebuilder->build($data) ; // returns ['clause'=> ' LIKE ?', 'binds'=>[ ['Bob%',PDO::PARAM_STR] ] ]

The build method returns an array with structure like below

    'clause'=> ' LIKE ?', 

You can use the result in your query as demonstrated below

$query = $Pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE $clause['clause'] ") ;
foreach($clause['binds'] as $key=>$val){
  $query->bindParam($val[0], $val[1]) ;
$query->execute() ;


The following operators are supported

  • like,
  • equalto
  • notequalto
  • greaterthan
  • lesserthan
  • greaterthanorequalto
  • lesserthanorequalto
  • between
  • notbetween
  • isnull
  • notisnull


  • add support for more operators
  • provide a method that allows users add operators