
Create Google Feed & Facebook Product Catalogue Feed in Pimcore

v2.0 2020-07-28 14:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:46:01 UTC


PimcoreFeedBundle use to generate feed from your product class


Install with comporser

composer install rohitrajv5/pimcore-bundle-google-facebook-feed

Enable PimcoreFeedBundle bundle

bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable PimcoreFeedBundle

Install assets

bin/console assets:install web
use following packages in your controller
use PimcoreFeedBundle\Service\Feed;
use PimcoreFeedBundle\Service\Item;
use PimcoreFeedBundle\Service\FacebookProductItem;
use PimcoreFeedBundle\Service\SimpleXMLElement;
use PimcoreFeedBundle\Service\Channel;

Add following actions in your controller

    const BASE_URL = "YOUR URL";
    public function googleFeedAction(Request $request)
        $products = new DataObject\Product\Listing(); // Search listing from your product class        
        $products =  $products->load();        
        header ("Content-Type:text/xml");        
        $feed = new Feed();
        $channel = new Channel();
        $item = new Item();
        foreach($products as $product)
            You can call your own getter to map the values in array
                ->enclosure($product->getImageUrl(), 4889, 'image/jpeg')
        echo $feed;                      
    public function facebookFeedAction()
        header ("Content-Type:text/xml"); 
        $feed = new Feed();
        $channel = new Channel();

        // Product feed item
        $item = new FacebookProductItem();
        $products = new DataObject\Product\Listing();  // Search listing from your product class         
        $products =  $products->load();        
        foreach($products as $product)
            You can call your own getter to map the values in array
                ->availability('in stock') 
                ->googleProductCategory('Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Underwear & Socks')
        echo $feed; 

Document Changes!

Create 2 document as follows:

alt text

Set Controller & Action. Respectively for both documents

alt text

Save & Publish

You are done !

Navigate to Google & Facebook Feed urls!

Google: http://[YOUR_APPLICATION_URL]/google-feed
Facebook: http://[YOUR_APPLICATION_URL]/facebook-feed

Facebook Feed:!

alt text

Google Feed:!

alt text


  • Plugin will generate Facebook & Google Feeds
  • Public url will be directly accessible by Google & Facebook

