
localization for Laravel framework

1.1.0 2017-06-19 04:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:59:14 UTC


Very easy and light package for loclization. Routing based on available locales and easy to get rid of default language prefix from route



Add Laravel Localization to your composer.json file

"rohit/laravel-localization": "^1.0"

Run composer install to get the latest version of package

Or you can directly run the composer require command

composer require rohit/laravel-localization


After the package install is completed you need to configure config/app.php and add Providers and Aliases

    'providers` => [
    'aliases' => [
        'Localization' => Rohit\LaravelLocalization\Facades\LaravelLocalization::class

Vendor Publish

After the above steps, you need to publish vendor for this packge. It will create laravel-localization.php file under config folder. This folder contains the configuration for your locales.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rohit\LaravelLocalization\LaravelLocalizationServiceProvider"

The file laravel-localization.php will contain the following structure

    return [
        // Add any language you want to support and comes as prefix in the url
        'all_locales' => [
        'default_locale' => 'th', // Default locale will not be shown in the url

Here you can add as many locales available in your project and set the default_locale to the value for which you want to exclude the prefix

NOTE: You can keep this field blank if you want all prefix in th url

For Example:

If your project has en and th as the available locales and if you set th as your default locale. Then the url will look like,

For English:

For Thai

It will skip default locale th from the url


After this, you need to update the app\Http\Kernel.php file and add the following line under routeMiddleware

    protected $routeMiddleware = [
        'localization' => \Rohit\LaravelLocalization\Middleware\LanguageHandler::class,


Finally you can manage all the routes with this configuration and middleware for smooth operation

Update app\Http\routes.php file and add all your routes under this group

        'prefix' => Localization::setLocale(),
        'middleware' => ['localization']
    ], function() {
        // All your routes here


There is a helper function to get the url for language switcher on the current page. You simply need to call a function with the locale
