
Export specific configuration into config.xml to make it VCS transferable without locking them by using app/etc/config.php or app/etc/env.php

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1.0.5 2022-11-03 22:08 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-19 05:19:30 UTC


This module is a simple tool to export specific sections of configuration into config.xml file to make it VCS transferable without locking them by using app/etc/config.php or app/etc/env.php


Running the command will generate a file config.xml inside of var/config/ folder. If file doesn't exist, it will create it, otherwise it will append/modify values to the XML structure.

Command: bin/magento config:data:export scopes paths

Example: bin/magento config:data:export default,stores trans_email/*/email


  • scopes: Scopes for which you want to export values for. CSV values are allowed. Options: all|default|websites|stores
  • paths: Path(s) that you want to export. Wildcard support as asterisk for second and third section of the path () - partial wildcard is not supported (eg. trans_email/_general/email)