
Spatie Laravel Multitenancy Extensions Package

0.3 2021-06-11 09:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 18:03:33 UTC


Versão em português (Brasil)

This package are created for use with Spatie's Laravel Multitenancy.


composer require rocketslab/laravel-multitenancy-extensions


Publish default configuration.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RocketsLab\MultitenancyExtensions\MultitenancyExtensionsServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Activating the default database to current Tenant

By default, the multitenancy package has a task to do the database switching on each request. But by doing this in background (when creating a new Tenant), the default database is not assigned. And so when trying to migrate the tables and populate the database with initial data the new database is not found by Laravel.

To solve this add the ActiveDefaultDatabase task to the task array in multitenancy config file as first from the list.

    'switch_tenant_tasks' => [
        // ... other tasks

Creating Tenants Databases

After configuring the spatie/laravel-tenancy Tenant model. You can activate automatic database creation. To do this, include the ShoudCreateDatabase trait to Tenant model.

Landlord Database Migration Helper

This package comes with a command to help migrate to landlord database.

php artisan landlord:migrate

This command run all migrations in the database/migrations/landlord folder by default. If you can modify this, edit landlord configuration section in multitenancy-extensions configuration file.

Optionally you can use --fresh flag to drop all tables and migrate.

Created by @jjsquady - Jorge Gonçalves

Thanks to Spatie team.

License MIT