
Eloquent ORM module for Zend Framework 2

1.0.0 2016-02-01 18:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-13 18:50:49 UTC


Eloquent ORM module for Zend Framework 2.


  • Eloquent Model and Capsule suppot out of the box.
  • Validators for forms: RecordExists and NoRecordExists (equivalent of Zend\Validator\Db\RecordExists and Zend\Validator\Db\noRecordExists).
  • Authentication adapters (Abstract implementation supporting AuthenticationService and two implementations CallbackCheckAdapter and CredentialTreatmentAdapter).

Planned Features

  • Multi-connection configuration support.
  • Caching support.
  • Paginator support.
  • Logger support.
  • Session Handlers (not sure if needed yet).
  • Migration support (via ZFTool).


$ composer require edvinasme/eloquent-zf2:dev-master


  • Add EloquentZF2 to the modules array in config/application.config.php
  • You can now retrieve EloquentZF2 via SM: $sm->get('EloquentZF2') This gives you access to Eloquent Query Builder, Schema Builder etc. (see for more information)
  • Copy vendor/edvinasme/eloquent-zf2/config/database.eloquent.config.php.dist to config/autoload/database.eloquent.config.php and add database credentials.


Your models should extend Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model for example:

    namespace Album\Model;

    // skipping some code here

    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as EloquentZF2Model;

    class Album extends EloquentZF2Model implements InputFilterAwareInterface


When populating InputFilter (usually in Model's getInputFilter() method), you can use EloquentZF2\Validator\RecordExists or EloquentZF2\Validator\NoRecordExists validators which will check records existance in the database and validate the field accordingly.

The following option keys are supported:

  • table => The database table to validate against
  • schema => The schema (database) to check for a match
  • field => The field to check for a match
  • exclude => An optional where clause or field/value pair to exclude from the query
  • connection => An optional database connection name to use

An example below checks table users, field login with form input's value while excluding records where login =

              'name'     => 'email    ',
                'required' => true,
                'validators' => array(
                        'name'    => 'EloquentZF2\Validator\noRecordExists',
                        'options' => array(
                            'table' => 'users',
                            'field' => 'login',
                            'exclude' => array(
                                'field' => 'login',
                                'value' => '',


To help you implement Authentication with EloquentZF2 in a similar way as with ZendDB, there is an Abstract Authentication Adapter provided (Authentication\\Adapter\EloquentDb.php) and two adapters implemented:

  • Authentication\Adapter\CallbackCheckAdapter.php - lets you supply a custom callback function. This is useful when you want to check credentials with e.g. bcrypt. Defaults to simple ($a == $b) comparison if callback function is not provided. See example below.
  • Authentication\Adapter\CredentialTreatmentAdapter.php - lets you supply SQL statement, function or routine (e.g. MD5(?), PASSWORD(?) etc.) which should be applied to given gredential before checking it. Defauls to '?' which would be same as (passwordField = password) comparison. See example below.

Both of these Adapters are implemented in a very similar way as Zend's Authentication adapters and they are compatible with Authentication Service. Please refer to Zend's Authentication Service Documentation for more information.

CallbackCheckAdapter.php Example

This is example using Bcrypt (Zend's implementation). This would usually go in your controller's login action:

/* SomeController.php */

// use CallbackCheckAdapter as AuthAdapter
use EloquentZF2\Authentication\Adapter\CallbackCheckAdapter as AuthAdapter;

// ... controller code skipped ...

public function loginAction() {

    // ... skipping validation and form code ...

    // define custom callback function (bcrypt)
    $callback = function($a, $b) {
        $bcrypt = new \Zend\Crypt\Password\Bcrypt(array('cost' => '14'));
        return $bcrypt->verify($b, $a);

    // init auth adapter
    $authAdapter = new AuthAdapter('default', 'users', 'login', 'password', $callback);

    // set auth credentials (assuming it was posted by form)

    // authenticate
    $authResult = $authAdapter->authenticate();

CredentialTreatmentAdapter.php Example

This is example using MD5(?). This would usually go in your controller's login action:

/* SomeController.php */

// use CallbackCheckAdapter as AuthAdapter
use EloquentZF2\Authentication\Adapter\CredentialTreatmentAdapter as AuthAdapter;

// ... controller code skipped ...

public function loginAction() {

    // ... skipping validation and form code ...
    $callback = 'MD5(?)';

    // init auth adapter
    $authAdapter = new AuthAdapter('default', 'users', 'login', 'password', $callback);

    // set auth credentials (assuming it was posted by from)

    // authenticate
    $authResult = $authAdapter->authenticate();