
Personalize your strings

1.0.1 2019-12-06 15:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-11 21:23:23 UTC


Great for giving you users an easy way to personalize there mails / text messages with tags. More features then str_ireplace.


Tag options

  • {{ tag }} - default tag
  • {{ ucwords(tag) }} - Change first character of every word to uppercase
  • {{ ucfirst(tag) }} - Change first character of string to uppercase
  • {{ strtolower(tag) }} - Convert string to lowercase
  • {{ strtoupper(tag) }} - Convert string to uppercase
  • {{ date( tag, format )}} - Convert timestamp to string, for format you can use

You can use || inside your tag to define a default value. Example: {{ tag || client }} If the value of tag is empty client wil be used.


Check out our exampels in the example folder.