
Forge objects with ease

dev-master 2019-05-16 22:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 10:30:33 UTC


Build Status 68747470733a2f2f636f6465636f762e696f2f67682f726f626965722f666f7267652d6f626a6563742f6272616e63682f6d61737465722f67726170682f62616467652e737667 Mutation score PHPStan MIT

Easily forge your own object for testing purposes (not intended for production code).

Heavily inspired by Larvel's factories but with one big difference, Laravel's factories are used for only creating or persisting models, but this library can create any type of object (model, entity, value object...). This library do not know how to persist something.

Library is framework agnostic and can be implemented in any framework.

Every test has a 3 main parts:

  • setup - setting up application for test
  • test - actual asserts
  • cleanup - killing references in code or database

This library aims to reduce setup part of tests and also to reduce time needed for adding new data to object, especially when you use that object a lot in your tests.

If you find some feature that you would like to see in this library feel free to contribute or open an issue :).


Library can be installed via composer:

composer require --dev robier/forge-object


First you need to register forge for your object:

$manager = new Robier\ForgeObject\Manager();
$manager->register(\stdClass::class, static function(): \stdClass{
    // apply random valid data to object
    $object = new \stdClass();
    $object->active = (bool)rand(0, 1);
    $object->admin = (bool)rand(0, 1);
    return $object;

After registration you can add states to object:

$manager->registerState(\stdClass::class, 'active', static function(\stdClass $item): void{
    // change random data with exact data in states
    $item->active = true;

$manager->registerState(\stdClass::class, 'admin', static function(\stdClass $item): void{
    // change random data with exact data in states
    $item->admin = true;

Let's say you need one random stdClass object in your test:

$oneStdClassObject = $manager->new(\stdClass::class)->one();

Or you need a random stdClass that is active:

$oneStdClassObject = $manager->new(\stdClass::class)->state('active')->one();

Maybe you need multiple random stdClass objects that are active, let's say 15:

$manyActiveStdClassObjects = $manager->new(\stdClass::class)->state('active')->many(15);

States can be combined and they are applied in order they are provided to state method. If you want random stdClass that is also an active and admin you would do it like this:

$oneStdClassObject = $manager->new(\stdClass::class)->state('active', 'admin')->one();

Local development

Build docker with command


Run any command inside docker

docker/run {script}

for example:

docker/run composer install

Run all tests:

docker/run composer run test