A Component Renderer for PHP

v0.0.1 2024-03-07 20:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 20:36:30 UTC


A Component Renderer for PHP

Mosaic is a state-of-the-art server-side rendering engine for PHP. It offers an enhanced approach to efficiently and flexibly build and render UI components. Designed specifically for PHP developers, it blends seamlessly with the language’s native capabilities to deliver a rich, component-oriented development experience.

Key Advantages

Designed for PHP Developers

  • PHP-Native Experience: Tailored for PHP without requiring adherence to an MVC model, Mosaic integrates smoothly into PHP projects, leveraging the language's strengths.

Flexible Component Types

  • Versatile Component Strategies: Beyond mere template rendering, Mosaic supports closures, fragments, and renderable objects, promoting modular and reusable design practices.

Extensible and Customizable

  • Custom Strategies Out-of-the-Box: The library enables custom rendering strategies for unmatched flexibility, perfect for projects with unique rendering needs.

Lightweight and Performant

  • Minimal Overhead: Designed to be lean, Mosaic delivers exceptional performance, suitable for projects ranging from small to large scale.

Focused on Server-Side Rendering

  • Optimized for Server-Side Efficiency: Exclusively targeting server-side rendering, it exploits server capabilities for rapid response times and efficient resource use.


Install through Composer:

composer require robertkleinschuster/mosaic


Here are examples for supported component types:

String Components

Handle simple strings:

$renderer->render("Hello, world");

Strings are escaped by default, to render html use a fragment.

Fragment Components

Compose UI fragments:

$fragment = $renderer->fragment('<div>Hello, world</div>');

Closure Components

Render PHP closures dynamically:

$renderer->render(function ($data) {
    return "Hello, " . $data['name'];
}, ['name' => 'world']);

The return value is evaluated as a component.

Iterable Components

Loops over iterable of components:

$items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3'];

This is typically used with the PHP generator syntax:

$items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3'];
$renderer->render(function() {
    yield "first\n",
    yield "second\n",
    yield "third\n",

Renderable Components

Utilize objects implementing the Renderable interface:

class MyComponent implements \Mosaic\Renderable {
    public function render(\Mosaic\Renderer $renderer, $data) {
        yield $renderer->fragment("<div>Hello, {$data['name']}</div>");
$renderer->render(new MyComponent(), ['name' => 'world']);

In this example the PHP generator syntax is used to yield a child HTML fragment.

Attribute Components

Wrap a class of closure another component using PHP-8 attributes.

class MyWrapper implements \Mosaic\RenderableAttribute {
    public function render(\Mosaic\Renderer $renderer, mixed $children, mixed $data){
        return $renderer->fragment(<<<HTML
<p class="wrapper">
    {$renderer->render($children, $data)}
$renderer->render(#[MyWrapper] fn() => 'Hello world!')

The string "Hello world!" will now be rendered inside the paragraph defined in the MyWrapper component.

Passing parameters to components

$renderer->render(fn(string $name) => "Hello $name!", name: 'world')

Extending Mosaic

Its design allows for straightforward expansion, enabling developers to create custom rendering strategies, helper utilities, and more to meet specific application requirements.

Running Tests

To execute the test suite, run the appropriate command in your CLI.


Contributions are highly appreciated, whether through issue reporting, feature suggestions, or direct code contributions.


Distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Getting Help

For questions, issues, or assistance, please open an issue on GitHub.