
Add rewrites to your Nova powered application

1.0.0 2019-11-18 15:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 03:14:49 UTC


Easy to use Url rewrite package. Allowing you to have pretty urls for your Laravel Nova powered application.


This package requires Laravel 5.8 or higher, PHP 7.2 or higher.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rjvandoesburg/laravel-nova-url-rewrite

The package will automatically register itself.


Add the following to your routes files to add the RewriteController to your application.


This will register the following route: {request_path} => Rjvandoesburg\NovaUrlRewrite\Http\Controllers\UrlRewriteController with your application. It is recommended to put this as low as possible because it is a catch_all route!


The package comes with some configuration, translations and with a migration available for publishing.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rjvandoesburg\NovaUrlRewrite\NovaUrlRewriteServiceProvider" --tag="nova-url-rewrite-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rjvandoesburg\NovaUrlRewrite\NovaUrlRewriteServiceProvider" --tag="nova-url-rewrite-migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rjvandoesburg\NovaUrlRewrite\NovaUrlRewriteServiceProvider" --tag="nova-url-rewrite-translations"

If you've published the migrations don't forget to run php artisan migrate! Running the migrations will add a table url_rewrites, however the name of this table is configurable in the url_rewrite.php config file.

The contents of the config file are as followed:


return [
    'models' => [
        'url_rewrite' => \Rjvandoesburg\NovaUrlRewrite\Models\UrlRewrite::class,

    'tables' => [
        'url_rewrites' => 'url_rewrites'

At this point only two items are configurable, the table name and the model to use. Should you choose to extend/alter the given model you are free to do so.

Nova resource

To view the url_rewrites in the admin, you need to register the tool in your NovaServiceProvider

 * Get the tools that should be listed in the Nova sidebar.
 * @return array
public function tools()
    return [

It is possible to alter the resource used by using the method setUrlRewriteResource like so:

    return [

Of course you need to set it to your own resource.


The default Url Rewrite has the following fields:

  • id - The id of the url rewrite (can be used for regenerating the rule)
  • group - The group, used in combination with request_path defaults to 0 but this allows you to have duplicate a request_path for say multiple stores
  • request_path - The path the user sees/navigates to in the browser
  • target_path - The location the user should see (or be redirected to)
  • redirect_type - Integer specifying what type of url rewrite it is (0 = Forward, 1 = Permanent, 2 = Found)
  • description - A field where you can specify any details about the rewrite
  • model_type - Used in combination with model_id this is a Morph field which can be used to generate the target_path
  • model_id - Used in combination with model_type this is a Morph field which can be used to generate the target_path
  • resource_type - This value allows you to 'attach' a Nova Resource to a redirect url. When this is set in combination with the model, the UriKey of the resource will be used in generating the target_path
  • created_at - When the url rewrite was created
  • updated_at - When the url rewrite was last updates

Forward request

Let's say you've registered the following route /product/{id} and you have a product 'Apple Airpods' with an id of 5. When you visit /apple-airpods this package will forward the request to the provided target path but keeps the url clean.

Redirect request

Let's say you used to have a url mac-book-air but the product name has changed so you've added a new url mac-book-rock. To prevent people hitting a 404 page you can add a redirect url rewrite.

Both 301 Moved Permanently and 302 Found (previously described as Moved Temporarily) are available.

When using a redirect request the url will change!

Both an internal url or external url is possible for target path when using the redirect type.

Creating url rewrites via Nova

When using nova for url rewrites you have to provide both the request_path and target_path, the target_path cannot be generated using the Create Url Rewrite page in Nova. (yet)

Creating url rewrites using the builder

This package comes with a 'builder' that allows you to create the Url rewrites on the fly, usually after a model created so it can get the target_path based on the model information.

First you need to DI the repository, either use the constructor or pluck it from the container.

$repository = app(\Rjvandoesburg\NovaUrlRewrite\Contracts\UrlRewriteRepository::class);

$builder = $repository->getRewriteBuilder();

Now that we have an instance of the builder we can construct a url rewrite. Do note that the iterface only requires 2 methods create and regenerate(UrlRewrite $urlRewrite) This is because the repository delegates to the builder when creating or regenerating url rewrites.

The default UrlRewriteBuilder has the following methods available:

  • group(int $group): self - Set the group
  • requestPath(string $requestPath): self - Set the request path
  • getRequestPath(): ?string - Get the request path
  • targetPath(string $targetPath): self - Set the target path (not required when using a model or model + resource)
  • getTargetPath(): ?string - Get the target path set by targetPath or generate one based on the model or model + resource
  • redirectType(int $type): self - Set the redirect type
  • description(string $description): self - Set the description
  • model(Model $model): self - Set the model
  • resource(\Laravel\Nova\Resource $resource): self - Set the resource (if the resource contains a linked model (resource) the model method is called with the resource)
  • unique(bool $unique = true): self - Set if the generator should keep looking until it hits a unique url (e.g. apple-airpods-1, apple-airpods-2 etc.)
  • create(): UrlRewrite - Create the url rewrite, attach the model (if set) and return it
  • regenerate(UrlRewrite $urlRewrite): bool - Regenerate the url rewrite (useful if the UriKey of the resource has changed)

Now for some examples.

Adding a simple url rewrite:


$urlRewrite = $repository->create($builder);

Adding a url rewrite based on a model:

$product = \App\Models\Product::find(5);


// Because no target_path was provided the builder will look at the provided model/resource and generates a url based on their names.
$urlRewrite = $repository->create($builder);

And a very extensive one:

$product = \App\Models\Product::find(5);
$resource = new \App\Nova\Product($product);

        ->group(0) // Defaults to 0
        ->model($product) // This is redundant as the model is bound to the resource
        ->description('Landing page for the NEW apple airpods');

$urlRewrite = $repository->create($builder);

Now do note that target_path is not validated if the route 'exists' in your application If this is something you need that you could extend the current builder or add an observer to the UrlRewrite model.


This package comes with a trait \Rjvandoesburg\NovaUrlRewrite\Models\Traits\UrlRewriteable. You can add the trait to a model that is used with Url Rewrites and it will add a relationship urlRewrites to the model returning a collection of url rewrites.


If you need or want to regenerate one or multiple url rewrites you can do this via Nova actions or via CLI. To rewrite a url the minimum requirement is that the url rewrite has a model, otherwise we would not know what to rewrite to :)

To regenerate the urls via the CLI use the following command.

php artisan nova-url-rewrite:regenerate {id?} --group=[default: 0]

If no id is specified, all urls will be tried. By default only urls in group 0 are handled. If you wish to regenerate for another group you need to specify that using the group option.


  • Add resource search to UrlRewrite resource (within Nova) e.g. a user can create a new url rewrite from Nova to a resource
  • Caching!


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Special thanks for Spatie for their guidelines and their packages as an inspiration

I would also like to thank Ruthger Idema for his implementation of Url rewrites


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.