
Load templates based on models & resources

1.0.2 2019-11-14 14:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 02:44:49 UTC


Let your Nova resources decide what front-end template needs to be loaded.

This package was inspired by WordPress template hierarchy.

This package will add an endpoint to your application and uses Nova to resolve the resource and associated model. The endpoint will return an array of names e.g. a hierarchy of templates that you can use in your front-end application to "dynamically" render a page.


This package requires Laravel 5.8 or higher, PHP 7.2 or higher.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rjvandoesburg/laravel-nova-templating

To add the endpoint, add the following to a routes file, you can apply your own groups & middleware as you see fit!


This will add /template-api/{resource}/{resourceId} to your application.

The package will automatically register itself.


Once the routes have been added to your application you can retrieve a list of template names from the api.

curl --GET {url}/api/template-api/users/1

Because this is based on Laravel Nova the resource needs to be the same as generated by the Resource or what is defined in public static function uriKey(). resourceId is the ID of the model.

Which can return a result as followed:

  "templates": [
  "resource": "users",
  "resourceId": "1"

Currently the packages constructs the template list as follows:

  • {resource}-{modelKey}
  • {resource}
  • {model}-{modelKey}
  • {model}
  • resource
  • model
  • index

Note that resource is only present when the resource name differs from the model name.


Say you want to use this within Vue, here is an example of how you could implement this:

const files = require.context('./templates/', true, /\.vue$/i);
files.keys().map(key => Vue.component('template-'+key.split('/').pop().split('.')[0], files(key).default));

From app.js I am loading all files within the templates folder and prefixing template as the name when registring them with Vue.

  • templates/index.vue will be registered as template-index
  • templates/user.vue will be registered as template-user
  • templates/user-1.vue will be registered as template-user-1

Create a Vue file that will be rendered on specific routes. In the example I am using vue-router and beforeRouteEnter to retrieve the correct template based on the current url.

    <component :is="`template-${template}`"></component>

    export default {
        beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
            return axios.get(`/template-api${path}`)
                .then(({data: response}) => {
                    this.route = response
                .catch(error => {
                    // Show an error or redirect to an error page, dealer's choice

        data: () => ({
            template: null,
            route: null,

        created() {
            _.forEach(this.route.templates, template => {
                if (Vue.options.components[`template-${template}`] !== undefined) {
                    this.template = template
                    return false

Disable resource templating

So everything is up an running, using a wildcard for routing, but you don't want people to access certain models. You can disable (enabled by default) templating for certain resources by implementing the following interface: Rjvandoesburg\NovaTemplating\Contracts\Templatable. This will add the method isTemplatable(Request $request) where you can add your own logic to decide if the given resource is templatable.

Dealing with failures

When a resource cannot be found or an exception is thrown a json response is returned (with the error status code) containing error template names with a fallback on index.

  "templates": [

Within the Promise you can still access the response from a catch so it is up to you to decide how to handle the error.


  • Allow users to extend the template builder to alter the output of the API (e.g. they want to use slugs or use the name of a categorie for a template)
  • Better/more/dynamic error templating
  • Add error message to not found route


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Special thanks for Spatie for their guidelines and their packages as an inspiration


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.