
Send profiling data to xhgui from a Laravel app

0.5.0 2023-07-21 11:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-21 15:29:56 UTC


Small package to quickly configure a Laravel app to send profiling results to XHGui.

The package adds a global middleware that starts php-profiler.


composer require ritvarsz/laravel-xhgui

Publish the config:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=xhgui-config


For configuration, see: [https://github.com/perftools/php-profiler#config]

Important note: some php-profiler config values are defined as callbacks. Laravel cannot cache the config if it contains callbacks. So we have implemented a simple class that stores the callback - supported config keys are:

    'profiler.enable' => \Ritvarsz\LaravelXhgui\Support\ProfileEnabler\DefaultProfileEnabler::class,
    'profiler.simple_url' => \Ritvarsz\LaravelXhgui\Support\SimpleUrl\DefaultSimpleUrl::class,
    'profiler.replace_url' => \Ritvarsz\LaravelXhgui\Support\ReplaceUrl\DefaultReplaceUrl::class,

Default configuration

return [
    // Enable or disable the middleware. Useful for enabling via .env file.
    // If set to false, the global middleware that starts the profiler will not be registered.
    'enabled' => env('XHGUI_ENABLED', false),

    // Settings for used by DefaultProfileEnabler
    'enabler' => [
        // Enable profiling for every 1/n requests. Setting 
        // this to 100 will profile approx 1% of requests.
        // By default, profile every request.
        'probablility' => env('XHGUI_PROBABILITY', 1),

        // Route patterns to exclude or include from profiling.
        // Env var should be a comma-separated list of patterns.
        // If both exclude and include are set, include takes precedence (exclude is ignored).
        // DefaultProfileEnabler uses \Illuminate\Support\Str::is() to match patterns.
        // Example: XHGUI_ROUTE_EXCLUDE=api/users/*/profile/*,api/ping
        'include_routes' => env('XHGUI_ROUTE_INCLUDE', ''),
        'exclude_routes' => env('XHGUI_ROUTE_EXCLUDE', ''),

    // If you want to clean up profiling data after a certain amount of days
    // set the appropriate database connection name here (make sure it's configured in config/database.php)
    // set the results table name and the number of days after which the data should be deleted (0 won't delete).
    // Setting the connection to null will disable the cleanup as well.
    // If using mongoDB, ignore this and @see https://github.com/perftools/xhgui#limiting-mongodb-disk-usage
    'database' => [
        'connection' => env('XHGUI_DB_CONNECTION', null),
        'table_results' => env('XHGUI_TABLE', 'results'),
        'expire_after_days' => env('XHGUI_EXPIRE_AFTER_DAYS', 0),

    // This is the configuration for the perftools/php-profiler. See the README for more information.
    // Note that calling config('xhgui.<key>') will not work for these values.
    // If you must, you can use config('xhgui')['<key>.<key>'].
    'save.handler' => Xhgui\Profiler\Profiler::SAVER_UPLOAD,
    'save.handler.upload' => [
        'url' => env('XHGUI_UPLOAD_URL', 'http://xhgui/run/import'),
        'timeout' => 3,
        'token' => env('XHGUI_UPLOAD_TOKEN', ''),

    // The default enabler class uses enabler settings from above to determine if the profiler should run.
    'profiler.enable' => \Ritvarsz\LaravelXhgui\Support\ProfileEnabler\DefaultProfileEnabler::class,
    'profiler.flags' => [
    'profiler.options' => [],
    'profiler.exclude-env' => [],
    'profiler.simple_url' => \Ritvarsz\LaravelXhgui\Support\SimpleUrl\DefaultSimpleUrl::class,
    'profiler.replace_url' => \Ritvarsz\LaravelXhgui\Support\ReplaceUrl\DefaultReplaceUrl::class,

Profiling enabler class

The default profile enabler uses enabler.probability, enabler.exclude and enabler.include config parameters to determine if the current request should be profiled. Feel free to make your own class that implements \Ritvarsz\LaravelXhgui\Support\SerializableClosure to override the logic or extend the DefaultProfileEnabler to add more constraints.

Profiling artisan commands

In order to profile an artisan command, it has to use the \Ritvarsz\LaravelXhgui\Traits\Profilable trait.


class TestCmd extends Command
    use \App\Traits\Profilable; // <- use the trait

    protected $signature = 'test:cmd';
    protected $description = 'Command description';

    public function __construct()
        $this->initXhprof(); // <- initialize the profiler in the constructor

    public function handle()
        /** Do something */