
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0) of this package.

Access Farnell Element 14 products information using Farnell Element 14 ePassAPI

v1.0 2019-02-28 12:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:48:43 UTC



Returns Product information based on a search by keyword


use Kapustko\Element14\EPassRest\Api;
use Kapustko\Element14\EPassRest\Exception\RestApiException;

$parameters = [
    'callInfo.apiKey' => '',
    'term' => 'any:fuse',
    'storeInfo.id' => 'uk.farnell.com',
    'resultsSettings.offset' => 0,
    'resultsSettings.numberOfResults' => 1,
    'callInfo.responseDataFormat' => 'json'

try {
    echo Api::searchByKeyword($parameters);
} catch (RestApiException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Returns Product information based on a search of the element14 / Newark element14 / Farnell element14 order code


use Kapustko\Element14\EPassRest\Api;
use Kapustko\Element14\EPassRest\Exception\RestApiException;

$parameters = [
    'callInfo.apiKey' => '',
    'term' => 'id:1278613',
    'storeInfo.id' => 'uk.farnell.com',
    'resultsSettings.offset' => 0,
    'resultsSettings.numberOfResults' => 1,
    'callInfo.responseDataFormat' => 'json'

try {
    echo Api::searchByKeyword($parameters);
} catch (RestApiException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Returns Product information based on a search of the manufacturer part number


use Kapustko\Element14\EPassRest\Api;
use Kapustko\Element14\EPassRest\Exception\RestApiException;

$parameters = [
    'callInfo.apiKey' => '',
    'term' => 'manuPartNum:LM339ADT',
    'storeInfo.id' => 'uk.farnell.com',
    'resultsSettings.offset' => 0,
    'resultsSettings.numberOfResults' => 1,
    'callInfo.responseDataFormat' => 'json'

try {
    echo Api::searchByKeyword($parameters);
} catch (RestApiException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();