
A compact reader/writer for tcpdumps

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2017-08-09 12:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 18:53:03 UTC


This small lib's purpose is to allow encoding and decoding of network packets. It is made possible thanks to the basic implementation of https://github.com/zobo/php-pcap

To start off, this lib was made to decode dumps, so maybe not all the encoding functions are added for now!

Now let's take a look:

There is the LibPcap\Reader For reading a pcap file, and a LibPcap\Writer (which is the same as the reader, but or writing data). The reader may read from a single file (Maybe more in the future)

The reader has the open method which will open a p/cap file, and parse it.

The reader then creates a LibPcap\File\Pcap, which allows interaction with the file.

The file is automatically parsed and generates a LibPcap\Packet\PacketBuffer, which is basicly an iterable object (you can use it in foreach's)

Packet structure

Every packet contained in the buffer has the following structure:

public function getHead();
public function getIpFrame();
public function getEthernetFrame();
public function getProtocol();

These are the basic functions, if no protocol has been determined, or maybe is not impelmented yet, the function getProtocol() whill return null.

A protocol is determined while the file is parsed, every protocol implemented is tried.

A protocol look smore or less like :

public function getName();
public function getSourcePort();
public function getDestinationPort();

Every field in a protocol is "dynamic", which means that while parsing any field can be added to the object, so to determine what protocol is a certain packett, you will need to call the getName() method.

List of implemented Protocols and names associated to them

Protocol Name
Dhcp dhcp
Http http
Tcp tcp
Udp udp