
Laravel package for generating thumbnails of images and caching them in your public files folder.

3.0.12 2018-12-11 22:10 UTC


Laravel Laravel License


Laravel 5 package that allows you to create image thumbnails according to predefined presets, and store them in your Laravel public folder to serve them up without generating them on each page load.

Original repo: https://github.com/DevFactoryCH/imagecache + added watermarks


Using Composer, edit your composer.json file to require rik43/imagecache.

Laravel 5
"require": {
	"rik43/imagecache": "3.0.*"

Then from the terminal run

composer update

Then in your app/config/app.php file register the following service providers:


And the Facade:

'Imagecache'      => 'Devfactory\Imagecache\Facades\ImagecacheFacade',

Publish the config:

Laravel 5
php artisan vendor:publish


Define some presets in:

Laravel 5



return array(
  'teaser' => array(
    'width' => 150,
    'height' => 100,
    'method' => 'crop',
  '465x320' => array(
    'width' => 465,
    'height' => 320,
    'method' => 'resize',
    'background_color' => '#FFFFFF',

get($filename, $preset, $args = NULL)

$args properties

Return Value:

Example usages:

$image = Imagecache::get('images/sunset.jpg', 'teaser');
echo $image->img;
echo '<img src="'. $image->src .'">

// Directly in a blade template
{{ Imagecache::get('uploads/images/sunset.jpg', 'teaser')->img }}

You can also directly access one of the properties as such without needing to if gate the call to get(). If using Laravel 5 you'll need to use the new raw notation instead of the double curly braces {{ ... }}.

{!! Imagecache::get('uploads/images/sunset.jpg', 'teaser')->img !!}

If you set the use_placeholders variable to TRUE in the imagecache.config.php file, and your image doesn't exist or doesn't generate a cached version. Where you would normally receive an array with empty values, you can get a placeholder image matching the preset that you requested. This is very useful during developement when you might not have images for all your content.

get_original($filename, $args = NULL)

If you don't want to apply any preset to the image, but still want to use the call to generate the <img> tag, accepts same parameters and works the same way as get(), just without $preset


Deletes all the cached images for each preset for the given filename.


When defining your presets, these are the options you can set:

The method property accepts the following types of transformations: