
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

v1.0.0 2020-11-27 20:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-05-27 21:55:53 UTC


Laravel bulky enables you to do a bulk requests. Using the config you can set the slug, the methods you want to allow your user to use and the action. The action defaults to the provided controller and method, making the default funcionality available to you by default on http://your-app.com/_bulk


composer require riconijeboer/laravel-bulky
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="\Rico\Bulky\BulkServiceProvider"



You can edit the slug the bulk endpoint is on. For example instead of the default /_bulk you may want just to use /bulk or /api/bulk.


By default the endpoint allows any method. You could also overwrite it so only the get and post methods are allowed.


You can overwrite the action of the route that is created. I do recommend that if you overwrite the action, you do extend the default controller and simply add your functionality.


return [
    'methods' => ['get','post'],
    'slug'    => '/api/bulk',
    'action'  => [\Rico\Bulky\BulkController::class, 'handle'],