
A custard command for compiling SCSS into CSS using SassC

1.0.6 2020-08-13 10:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 11:52:46 UTC


A custard command for compiling SCSS into CSS using SassC

  compile:scss [options] <input> <output>

  input                          File or directory to compile
  output                         File or directory to output to

  -s, --style=STYLE              Output style. Can be: nested, compressed. [default: "compressed"]
  -l, --line-numbers             Emit comments showing original line numbers.
  -i, --import-path=IMPORT-PATH  Set Sass import path.
  -m, --sourcemap                Emit source map.
  -M, --omit-map-comment         Omits the source map url comment.
  -p, --precision=PRECISION      Set the precision for numbers.
  -a, --autoprefix               Run postcss autoprefixer on output CSS files.
  -vv                            Increase output verbosity (displays output from sasscb and autoprefixer).

Note: The autoprefixer option requires postcss CLI and autoprefixer to be installed globally. These are node.js modules and can be installed globally with this command once you have node installed: npm install -g postcss-cli autoprefixer

You may also need to install NVM using the below command in your Home directory curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.6/install.sh | bash exit Log back into your user account and run: nvm install 6.11.5