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dev-master 2017-11-15 20:23 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-29 02:52:45 UTC


Watches and manages processes in cli


composer require rgen3/php-process-watcher

Usage example

Create task object

use rgen3\watcher\commands\AbstractProcess;

class Sync extends AbstractProcess

    public static $descriptor;

    public function beforeStart()
        echo "Sync is ready to start";

    public function beforeStop()
        // Some actions before process will be killed
        echo "Sync will be stopped";

    // Commnad to be executed
    public static function getCmd(): string
        return '/usr/bin/php -r "while (true) {echo 1; sleep(2);}"';

    // Process descriptor settings
    public static function getDescriptor(): array
        return [
            0 => array("pipe", "r"),
            1 => array("pipe", "w"),
            2 => array("pipe", "a")


How to run watcher

// Creates watcher instance
$watcher = new \rgen3\watcher\Watcher();

// Add the task to watcher
$watcher->pushProcess(new Sync());

//starts watcher

while (true) {
    //some app logic
    // Checks if processes is active
    // If down proccess will automatically be restarted