
4.0.1 2018-05-26 15:08 UTC



A Laravel base controller class and a trait that will enable to add filtering, sorting, eager loading and pagination to your resource URLs.

Dedicated to Giordano Querybuilder

This package is named after my hero Giordano Bruno. A true visionary who dared to dream beyond what was thought possible. For his ideas and his refusal to renounce them he was burned to the stake in 1600. I highly recommend this short cartoon on his life narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson.



To get started with Bruno I highly recommend my article on resource controls in Laravel APIs


For Laravel 5.4 and above

composer require rezayavari/querybuilder ~4.0


The examples will be of a hypothetical resource endpoint /books which will return a collection of Book, each belonging to a Author.

Book n ----- 1 Author

Available query parameters



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Optimus\Api\Controller\EloquentBuilderTrait;
use Optimus\Api\Controller\LaravelController;
use App\Models\Book;

class BookController extends LaravelController
    use EloquentBuilderTrait;

    public function getBooks()
        // Parse the resource options given by GET parameters
        $resourceOptions = $this->parseResourceOptions();

        // Start a new query for books using Eloquent query builder
        // (This would normally live somewhere else, e.g. in a Repository)
        $query = Book::query();
        $this->applyResourceOptions($query, $resourceOptions);
        $books = $query->get();

        // Parse the data using Optimus\Architect
        $parsedData = $this->parseData($books, $resourceOptions, 'books');

        // Create JSON response of parsed data
        return $this->response($parsedData);

Syntax documentation

Eager loading

Comprehensive syntax


Simple eager load


Will return a collection of 5 Books eager loaded with Author.

Sideload mode


Will return a collection of Books and a eager loaded collection of their Authors in the root scope.

See mere about eager loading types in Architect\Architect's README


Two parameters are available: limit and page. limit will determine the number of records per page and page will determine the current page.


Will return books number 30-40.


Should be defined as an array of sorting rules. They will be applied in the order of which they are defined.

Sorting rules


        "key": "title",
        "direction": "ASC"
    }, {
        "key": "year",
        "direction": "DESC"

Will result in the books being sorted by title in ascending order and then year in descending order.


Should be defined as an array of filter groups.

Filter groups



Special values

Custom filters

Remember our relationship Books n ----- 1 Author. Imagine your want to filter books by Author name.

        "filters": [
                "key": "author",
                "value": "Optimus",
                "operator": "sw"

Now that is all good, however there is no author property on our model since it is a relationship. This would cause an error since Eloquent would try to use a where clause on the non-existant author property. We can fix this by implementing a custom filter. Where ever you are using the EloquentBuilderTrait implement a function named filterAuthor

public function filterAuthor(Builder $query, $method, $clauseOperator, $value)
    // if clauseOperator is idential to false,
    //     we are using a specific SQL method in its place (e.g. `in`, `between`)
    if ($clauseOperator === false) {
        call_user_func([$query, $method], '', $value);
    } else {
        call_user_func([$query, $method], '', $clauseOperator, $value);

Note: It is important to note that a custom filter will look for a relationship with the same name of the property. E.g. if trying to use a custom filter for a property named author then Bruno will try to eagerload the author relationship from the Book model.

Custom filter function


        "or": true,
        "filters": [
                "key": "author",
                "value": "Optimus",
                "operator": "sw"
                "key": "author",
                "value": "Prime",
                "operator": "ew"

Books with authors whoose name start with Optimus or ends with Prime.

        "filters": [
                "key": "author",
                "value": "Brian",
                "operator": "sw"
        "filters": [
                "key": "year",
                "value": 1990,
                "operator": "gt"
                "key": "year",
                "value": 2000,
                "operator": "lt"

Books with authors whoose name start with Brian and which were published between years 1990 and 2000.

Optional Shorthand Filtering Syntax (Shorthand)

Filters may be optionally expressed in Shorthand, which takes the a given filter array[key, operator, value, not(optional)] and builds a verbose filter array upon evaluation.

For example, this group of filters (Verbose)

        "or": false,
        "filters": [
                "key": "author",
                "value": "Optimus",
                "operator": "sw"
                "key": "author",
                "value": "Prime",
                "operator": "ew"
                "key": "deleted_at",
                "value": null,
                "operator": "eq",
                "not": true

May be expressed in this manner (Shorthand)

        "or": false,
        "filters": [
            ["author", "sw", "Optimus"],
            ["author", "ew", "Prime"],
            ["deleted_at", "eq", null, true]


This package is compliant with PSR-1, PSR-2 and PSR-4. If you notice compliance oversights, please send a patch via pull request.


$ phpunit


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.